In my Garden, there is a lone,
SunFlower bloom tall.
All the rest there, are still growing.
No flowers at all.
The tall Flower, lonely tower,
Facing to the Sun.
He's so alive. He sure has thrived.
Beat all in the run.
Does he show them, the dear road then?
How to follow path?
And do they sneer, say: "Hey, look here!"
Laughing in their wrath?
"What does he think? His shit don't stink?
A pretty dilettante?
Come down back here, and have a beer.
Forget then all that rot.
Your petals yellow, you must mellow.
Only green's allowed.
Forget your game. Just be the same.
You're crazy or you're foul!"
And might there be, another see,
a second contingent there
That starts to pray, and heads to lay,
To worship ground he shares?
They believe in "Him," and then do dim,
Themselves not to see.
"He must be God. We'll make our job,
To praise 'His' every sneeze."
Do both the groups: the skeptic loops,
The groupie followers
Miss the message, the real visage,
Of lonely SunFlower?
Can it be true, message to fools,
Open your eyes to See
That we all can, grow from the sand,
And open wise to East
Our own Flowers, and then tower,
Our season in the Light?
Reflecting all, the Light that falls,
Upon our reasoned sight.
Can Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed;
And other giants then
Have been such tools, and we were fools,
And didn't understand?
That the message, was a passage,
Sign to show the way.
Not to worship, outside Kingship,
But in growth's wisdom play.
Learn the stories. Sing the heart praise.
Look beneath the myth.
The inner truths, our wise Sheep's tooth,
Disguised in wolf's ancient truth.
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
by Loveson G. Flower

A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
Lonely Sunflower photo from: http://www.jbgorganic.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/52709-0091-400x300.jpg
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing photo from: http://snoringwalrus.com /creations/photoshop/morphing/swong3c.jpeg