Wednesday, July 9, 1997

Can the Tree See the Forest?

I've stayed away all day,
From my normal life to play,
In a different ambiance,
To see differently my dance.
For change illuminates structure.
At the borders can I see clear.

It is this way in every field.
To see the Building, its wisdom yield,
Stand on the gang plank above the street,
Connecting to the Building's mate.

To see her shape and height and depth;
Her colors, fountains, and different paths
Are only obvious outside.
The Forest's lost to Trees inside.

They're lost in their own universe.
To grow their branches and quench their thirsts.
And might not know or realize,
The larger wholeness beneath the skies.

The Physics Ph.D. does know;
Important stuff, his brain real grown.
And likewise Mathematicians wise,
Understand central theses' surmise.
And Engineers of all the fields,
Struggle for years learning field's yields.

And Historians read many books;
Write papers, think & believe they've looked
At so much stuff that they're real smart.
But where is the History of their own heart?

Economics, Finance and Poetry Romance,
Are subjects that require study's dance.
And all the other fields learned,
Strive to have their students ferment.

So that when their degrees do come,
Their graduated selves will be a sum
Of most the learning that teacher's know.
But is this just the beginning of grow?

For if we know a slice of life;
Do we understand Whole pie?
Can Doctors or the Ph.D.,
Be ignorant and dumb really?
About important matters to;
The Soul, for Love, for Wholeness true?

Geometry tell us all:
Three hundred sixty degrees in ball.
And we learned students must,
Eat humble pie and other's dust
Because the divided and conquered us,
Can't theorize Success or derive your Trust.

Can a Tree,
See the Forest?
Might my slice,
Still suffice?

Can the Tree See the Forest?
by Loveson G. Flower