Hello, new World. Hello, new horizons.
Hello, Mr. Tree where I will fly to, to rest my wings.
Hello, new Seeds. Hope you can find
Sweet, moist welcoming Soil for your Journey.
Hello, fellow worms yearning to touch the Sky.
Hope one of you one day can explain it all and why
Better than me. Hope you can do it soon for me!
Hello, new friends that don't mind my See,
Even accept, maybe even appreciate, my fluttering.
Hello; new Loves, new Hopes, new Joys,
New Understandings, new Seeds, new Flowers.
I hope to Love, Hope, Enjoy, Understand,
Plant and Smell the roses like I'm brand new.
Beginner's eyes. Not knowing so much that
I miss the most obvious and important things.
The feel of sweet Soil through my fingers.
The smells of fresh Life. The bugs. The humus.
The little spider whose Universe is between
The Leaf of one plant and the stem of another.
It's always a marvel how Mother Spider does that.
Does She jump? Does she crawl 50 times the distance of the web
Down one stem, across the ground and up the next?
Hope to weave my web with just a teeny bit as much grace.
Thank you, Sumi. You'll be with me always.
Beginner's Eyes
by Loveson G. Flower