Sunday, May 6, 2007

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower

Frame from 2nd Chapter of "Light of Love - a Ballet of Love Becoming"

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower
by Loveson G. Flower

In two thousand and four
The question was answered
Of what “G.” did stand for:
“Gabrielle” wings did soar.

The “Light of Love” was born
From dark nights lost, forlorn
Without the use of words
To express abused worlds.

Our inner feminine,
To balance masculine,
Came out to move and dance
To improve Love’s romance.

Loveson uses his rhymes
While Gabrielle moves time.
He animates sunshine.
She dances feelings fine.

Silent expression chanced
By colors, music, dance.
Butterfly muse enchants.
Inner marriage perchance?

Anima and Animus?
Inner children’s Love fuss?
Together toward wholeness
So everyone is blessed.

From “Loveson G. Flower” plain,
Is wholeness now in our name?
Loveson, Gabrielle to aim
To Flower in Soul’s rain.

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower
1:00 AM Sunday, May 6, 2007
home in bed
Still image from "Dreaming Wings of Light & Love" from animated ballet: "Light of Love" by Loveson G. Flower published for friends and family in Septermber, 2005

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a Team.
Pay it Forward. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.