Just two more weeks,
Feel some panic.
How can I give birth?
Symbolic or living death?
How to make the passage?
How to shake my visage
That has lived always,
Been my comfort and chains?
He may be a Monster,
But he's my Monster.
Just a grizzly bear.
Huggable for my she-bear.
The baby wants to come out.
Not to make a fuss and shout.
But to gently rock & grow.
To see Life. Be Alive and so
Become the fair Butterfly.
Test her wings. Meet the Sky.
See all things from high above.
Understand Love from Gaia's glove.
Once we were a worm below.
In the tall grass, a World down low.
Never-minding what we saw:
Beautiful beetles, Robin's fierce claw.
But now We've changed. Oh my!
Look at the Sunset in the Sky.
It's so glorious. So grand.
Now, We even understand.
That my homeland down below,
Is just like everyone's dear home.
It was my Universe.
Thought that's all. Chapter & Verse.
But now I realize, We're All One.
Connected to Gaia in Love.
One Whole Creature. Everything.
It's so Joyous. Want to Sing.
Wish you could See with my eyes,
All the World's beneath Her Skies.
Then you might find you agree.
And fly yourself and Sing with me.
But I know my time in the air,
Won't last long. But I'm not scared.
For as I lay my wings to rest,
I know I flied out from the Past.
Into Love. Into Her arms.
Loving each and every charm.
And Now, She will envelop me.
She loves so much, She let me See.
We're All One
by Loveson G. Flower