Turn on water connection; to Earth, Sun, Universe.
Spiraling inside ocean, all to then transverse.
Make maleness, fertile testes; filled with bright white beads
Somewhat hidden male seeds, to not offend thee.
Hair of ivy golden. Green blond, eyes See true.
Translucent web skin, fond spiders weaving's glue.
Backbone from the garden, stick and SunFlower stalks
With roots at the bottom, chakra spirals talk.
It starts and uncoils inside, up to higher reaches.
Spiraling energy cried. "Wake up" the sky beseeches.
Neck made of a pine cone, holds the head aloft.
Legs in dancer's pose. Arms reach out real soft.
As if to ask a question: "Come and dance with me.
You can wholeness become. Will you chance to See?"
I am but a Vision, of a broken mirror,
Who chose by decision, to heal his heart's terror.
All human creatures are mirrors, broken though they be,
Can reflect past their fears. Can show their own Light's See.
It may be just on one side; of the wide, sphere round.
But if you search inside, other mirrors are tied to ground.
Listen to each mirror,
Who is shining his/her Light.
Connect yours to all in sphere.
Soul's finding total sight.
Vision of a Broken Mirror
by Loveson G. Flower
at Cafe Barone, Menlo Park
(Description of sculpture created at Allied Arts Guild as metaphor/representation of Loveson's birth)