Friday, August 1, 1997

Let It Come

Why sit here and sip tea,
There's much to do to craft me.
Today the body and the spine,
And breasts beautiful and fine.

The arms must be shaped in an "O"
To symbolize the search for whole.
And ask the question in sweet romance
To all who see: "Would you like to dance?"

The face with SunFlower's dear seeds.
Eyes made from food for birdies.
Legs from branches of loved tree.
All natural textures for symbol, He/She.

Her/His hair made of long, green ivy
Growing, absorbing Sun and thriving.
An inspiration to come alive,
But perspiration now to survive.

And finish all in time for birth
Just two days left to find our worth.
What do we have inside, dear Paul?
Is it Loveson's cry for all?

Is it vision and our love?
Is it connecting to Above?
Let it come. We're almost there.
I love you so for all your care.

Let It Come
by Loveson G. Flower
2:30 PM, 8/1/97
Cafe' Barone, Menlo Park