Post-partum blues are here. Hope can find some cheer.
All birthing's excitement, left feeling excrement.
Guess it is all a part, to give Loveson a start.
But I sure am blue. Wonder what to do?
Shall I go home to bed? Find a good book not read?
Travel far abroad? Make love to a broad?
Why's my inspiration, now just perspiration?
Is it just my mood, or unhealthy food?
Read her my love poem. Walked with her to farm
Past Gaia's dear plants. Some time with me to grant.
But so suddenly, she's gone and death we
Must now contemplate. Cruel, dark, cold heart fate.
It was all set up, our relationship
To end on a dime, at this ending time.
Now must integrate, find a new heart's gate
To open again, with new seeing friend.
Don't know when or where, or if can find care
In a person there, for our lives to share.
To have loved and lost, must be worth the cost.
But the bill's now due, and I'm surely blue.
Hope my account is full. Pay bill keeper's due.
My heart banks seem light, from this taking flight.
Loveson, here's your gift; for your wings to lift:
Broken-hearted mom, so that you could come.
Post-Partum Blues
by Loveson G. Flower
3:00 PM, 8/4/97
Cafe' Verona, Pala Alto