Dedicated to and in memory of Princess Diana.
Am touched with World's out-pouring
Of Love for Diana's passing.
She was a fairy princess lass
Who only seemed to fill our glass.
And though once a lowly commoner
Like us all, we elevated her
To become a Queen of Hearts somehow
Beyond royalty's fiction's bow.
And all their pomp and circumstance
Was destroyed by her youth's truthful dance.
Her lovely, honest, warm heart pain;
Her quest to grow, and her tear's rain
That washed us all just like our lives
In our unknown, desperate strives
Ignored by vicious Paparazzi
Who reflect our lusts & killed our Queen.
Diana's now a memory.
We loved so her humanity.
She was emotional with grace.
Not like Charles' dour, distant face.
Her despair at times knew no end.
Her death sometimes she sought to send.
But always loving all around:
Her children, homeless, sick friends she found.
Isn't this contrasting story
Just our own without the glory?
Powerful, thinking, controlling men
Who cannot cry, feel, only defend;
And female, heart, emotion full
Warms and comforts, with loving pulls
Us from our minds into our hearts.
Thanks Di, you showed our loving parts.
Queen of Hearts
by Loveson G. Flower
at Hobee's, Palo Alto
Photo from: 179x209-6ko-jpg