Standing in line at DMV.
Bureaucracy's fine but boring.
Processing all us applicants.
It is a crisis for immigrants.
The scared, wide-eyed look they have
Says so much of our system's staff
Which can come hard upon their heads.
If they can't drive legally they're dead.
One can't get work, hardly survive
Without car's legs, we cannot thrive.
To live in world of large spiders
With just worm's legs, we're food for birds.
They can run, and they can fly.
We just crawl and wonder why.
What happened to being human?
Technology's need to consume man?
Oil, Gas, and automobile.
No mass transit connections thrill.
I've been here many a time,
And never is there a short line.
Guess our enormous taxes
Can't pay enough for staff fix.
Frustration, anger; wait, wait, wait.
Hope to get to front of gate
Before lunch or closing time.
Sorry. Go back to start of line.
I send my paperwork to them.
It must get lost, jerked by gremlins.
Murphy's Law works always here.
You forgot this or that. Oh dear.
Just another day in paradise
As we're smothered in the machine's vice.
Conform. Bow down. Useless to resist.
Step out of line, suffer if you insist.
But you'll feel the jaws of steel.
Humaness steal, traded for Slave's deal.
No Mass Transit
by Loveson G. Flower
2:30 PM, 9/10/97
Standing in line at Department of Motor Vehicals (DMV), Mountain View