The Wheels are in motion,
As I sit by the Ocean
And prepare to fly home,
Am aware of why's tone.
I told Barbara this afternoon,
My soul desires bliss' laughter soon.
Why for Les Zeribas to own,
Is to cry "I love you" to Paul's son.
The inner child who is so hurt,
Who believes has no real worth.
Is the one I want to give,
Such loved fun sky's chance to live.
For he deserves so very much,
For all he serves to their lives touch
With his large, giving heart.
He is our living part.
When He connects with Jan,
Barbara's and Thomas' son,
I know he's really there.
I feel he truly cares.
My mind and heart agree,
That he is worth much be.
Worth much more than he knows.
Worth such a worthy toast.
So Paulie if you're there,
Please know I love your care.
Love everything you do.
Love how you pull me through.
My tears now in my eyes,
Are your grateful replies.
You're welcome for the land.
Thank you for understand.
Wheels In Motion
by Loveson G. Flower
Wednesday, 3:33 PM 9/24/97
Sanary sur Mer, France