Merry, Merry-Go-Round,
Very hard to still stay down.
Little ones having fun.
Twirling around like clowns.
Mommies making sure,
That the motion's blur
Is still safe and fun.
Can't hurt little ones.
Hello there, baby dear.
Wave to me and bring your cheer.
Your smiles goes on for miles.
Your laughter is so clear.
Where is my laughter now?
Did I lose it somehow?
Unable to play, or laugh too much.
Just a little chuckle smooch.
Not like healthy children.
Laughter natural beyond grins.
When was the last time,
Uncontrolled laugh's pastime
Brought me to my knees?
Like a healthy sneeze.
It is beyond the mind.
Belly laughter is fine.
Seems I often made jokes,
Making fun then and pokes.
Teasing all around.
Tried to be a clown.
But if my clown makeup,
Reflected my own make-up
It would be with a tear,
Permanently fixed there.
Need some laughing practice.
Belly shaking like jelly dish.
Where is now the clown laugh school?
Perhaps I could be laugh's fool.
Play with children and friends.
Listen to their jokes and grins.
Anything to laughter give.
Anywhere heart's joys do live.
by Loveson G. Flower
Friday, 4:48 PM, 9/19/97
At the Merry-Go-Round in Sanary sur Mer, France
Clown painting by unknown artist photogrphed by Loveson G. Flower at county fair in California in July, 2004