Thursday, September 11, 1997

Risk is Risky

Made a decision about the money.
Execution waits before it's honey.
But just the say so seems real big.
Some milestone. Guess no longer a kid.

Kids believe they live forever.
Will take huge risks. Think it don't matter.
But grown-ups seem to see the risk.
Sometimes they freeze, won't try the task.

How to balance risk-reward?
Preserve gains and still move forward?
For with risk comes reward true.
I've seen this my whole life through.

But problem with risk is just this:
It's risky that the risk won't miss,
And want to stay and keep me scared.
Keep me frozen and unprepared

For moving on
Through Life's unknown
With armor on
And new hope gone.

Risk is Risky
9:45 AM, Thursday, 9/11/97
by Loveson G. Flower