Wednesday, September 3, 1997

Is Enough, Enough?

Is it time to sell our stock yet?
And exit now from the rocket
That has shot us to the moon.
Is it too late, or too soon?

When is enough, enough?
How long can we swim in sea's rough?
Before we drown in ruin.
Before a clown we turn in-

To prove daddy's old, wise adage:
A fool and his money at a young age
Soon part to only remember,
"What-might-have-been-if-only" words

Which cut like knives forever more.
Like Edgar Allen Poe's raven swore
When he came tapping, tapping then
To remind Life's short & death comes when

We least expect black visitor
To escort us away forever more.
Please Wisdom say: What shall we do?
Do we fold our cards or stay a fool?

Is Enough, Enough?
by Loveson G. Flower
at Hobbies, Palo Alto