Monday, June 2, 1997

What Kind of Person Am I?

2014 Lifetime Self-Portrait

Dedicated to all my parts, all the roles I've played,
and all the becoming I became.

I've taken some time to be alone.
Read all the heart songs - the rhymes in time,
Using beautiful phrases, upper and lower cases,
Twists of the words. Using what I heard,

At the end of the line,
To find out what kind,
of person am I,
Before I die.

For then seems too late,
to open the gate,
for flood to escape,
Without a peep,

From all the love,
From perhaps Above,
To flow on through.
And me be true,

To my real nature.
Not just be "mature,"
Or so grown-up,
But child-like pup, also.

For to be all parts:
The mind, body, heart;
The left brain and right,
The weak and the might--y.

To use my quick wit.
To be quiet and sit.
To meditate;
The quiet, lone state.

To travel the world.
To banner unfurl.
To understand fields,
Their wisdom to yield,

From many understandings,
And different ways of being.
For what is the same,
Of the different games.

Of Physics and Math,
The Engineer's path,
From Business School,
Where I felt a fool.

Because I was not linear,
My speaking not clear.
And to communicate,
Was the highest fate,

Judged in that place,
In order to ace,
The respect of the peers.
And hold back my fears,
That I was worthless,
Not worthy of kiss.

But it somehow seems funny,
That just like a bunny,
I jumped in and hopped,
To that new carrot,

Of learning to Sell,
Myself along the trail,
Of business pursuit,
In my fancy, gray suit;

With perfect, starched shirt,
And no speck of dirt,
To flaw the outside.
To impress all with pride;

Of who I was now,
I saw with a bow,
To that working fool.
Boy was he cool!

But Economics,
And all of those sticks,
That graphed the upswing,
Of my glories to sing,

Which fueled the growth,
Of career & then both,
Of outside & in,
When growth allowed us in,
To look inside here,
Not just drink a beer.

And turn TV off.
Turn off the scoff,
That thought I knew all,
And answered the call.

To look deeper still,
In Psychology's well.
So understanding,
Might take wing.
And we could perhaps know,
Where we should grow.

But of all the thirsts,
Of the best and the worst,
From sex to achievement,
From pride to bereavement,
From Geometry to Poetry,
From History to Mystery,

From Theory of Everything,
To actually to sing,
With physical voice;
And making the choice,

To leave career's plan.
To launch understand-ing
Faith from within,
Allowed me to win,

The day for myself.
Not allowing the death-
Wish to overcome.
And then the whole sum

Of all of my interests,
My loves kept abreast,
To aim for a finish

.... To find my heart's wish.

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

What Kind of Person Am I?
by Loveson G. Flower
2004 Lifetime Self-Portrait

2004 Lifetime Self-Portrait: "Becoming" by Loveson G. Flower assembled for the 4th and final circle of becoming with dear friends at Allied Arts Guild in August, 2004.

français: Autoportrait de 2004 : « Devenir » par Loveson G. Flower s'est réuni pour le 4ème et final cercle de devenir avec de chers amis à la Guilde Alliée d'Arts en août 2004.