Dedicated to Halimah who's gift of heal-
ing helped me believe in my seeing.
Waiting for Halimah. Is this work on Ma?
Where is Soul leading me? Today I hugged a tree.
And what was that secret I told? Can I remember and be so bold?
To say the inner Truths out loud;
To see their light, burn away the cloud?
Which billows, pillows and finally goes,
Across the sky. It seems to die.
Do I want to fly?
Not off the roof top, of course.
That would be silly, stupid, worse.
But fly in dream land, in wisdom's endless sand;
Which surrounds and is below; Ocean's round, holy whole.
For Ocean is deep with creatures galore.
Some monsters, I suppose, but beautiful souls more.
Is my soul such an Ocean, my dream land's devotion?
Can explorers discover; health, wisdom whatever;
Their heart's wish does lead them?
Seems this is where I've been.
In these last days, coming out of my haze.
Some might call it crazy, or maybe even lazy.
But I see it's worth. It's the fountain not thirst
In dead, dried up desert. But lush, moist, green verdant.
It's a tropical island, where my Soul does send... to home.
Ocean Is Deep
by Loveson G. Flower