Dedicated to Pat & Joseph Campbel who understood what I want to understand.
Medical boxes are like a lock is:
To keep someone in, to label the sin.
So labeler can, think she's being a fan
And ignore reality, that to say with such certainty;
Is to divide and conquer, and is not the real cure.
To find health within, from the Source which has been
The font of all Life, is the path from all strife.
And the pile of diagnosis, often is the opposite of Gnosis,
That inner awareness. One's own Truth in all bareness;
With all the clothes gone. Naked under the Sun.
To show everything, to let my heart sing;
Is a bit scary, of hurt I am wary.
That my songs will be labeled, in an attempt to disable
My growing and living; my sowing and giving.
Neither Fear or Desire, are safe and high aspire.
To transcend those creatures, would reach higher bleachers.
Fear makes us label: To pretend to know and disable
The phenomena unknown, the terror thus sown.
Desire does require, attainment and containment.
Keep the horse in the stall. Let's go shop at the mall.
Put money in the bank. Work like slaves to then shank,
Some stuff off the tree, and I'll define them as me.
But what if we can, say: "To Hell with that Plan?"
Go past Fear and Desire. Let go the terror to fly here,
And circle the Sun: a mandala to the One.
Find the power center. Let the Source be the mentor.
And not things or relationships; not resume' or cars or ships;
But simply be living Now, past paralyzing fears' & desires' bow.
Then in the Now to be, open my eyes to see
What Life is bringing me; and what Me is becoming see.
And this new, altered state; might be a state of grace.
Not jumping for a golden ring. But living, loving to sing;
With Life passing through my days; with head high above the haze.
Like the fisherman's line; help bring from under water to find;
Unconscious, dream wisdom; into present, Now kingdom.
And free from all boxes, all chains and all locks is
The Way for true health;
True Life and true wealth.
Past Fear and Desire
by Loveson G. Flower