Dedicated to Rob, the sculptor, my artistic hero. Who's heart is so big, he must give it away.
Waiting for Rob.
What is our job?
Can we see clear?
Sculpt faces and cheer
Many a soul.
Is that our goal?
What about Shadow?
Expose it and how,
Can it come,
Its whole sum?
Rob can create anything.
Paul can sell and can sing.
Is there here a partnership?
To advance heath on this trip?
To marry old techniques
With new awareness then to seek,
A further synthesis,
To help free spirits to find bliss?
I know computers,
He knows art for sure.
I am an apprentice.
He, a master, for the dance.
When student is ready,
Master will come.
Is this our story?
Is this the Sun?
When Student is Ready
by Loveson G. Flower
"Warped" cartoon by Mike Cavna, 1997