Dedicated to the beautiful Puppies, Maggie & Jessie, who allowed me to be their human.
Puppies know, that's why we love them so,
About loving each other; of piling to smother
Each other with hugs, and kisses on mugs,
And wagging their tails, and loving their smells.
And waiting all day, for my little love say.
They give back their devotion; show freely their emotion.
Not like us scared pups, the human variety sour-puss,
That would secretly love; Puppy piles' dear, dear shove.
To make us touch them; lick, sniff, and kiss then.
And be totally present; and go past the hesitant
Fear of our schooling; to never be drooling,
Like Puppy's sweet kiss. Such love we do miss.
Puppies of all ages, are really wise sages,
Showing us how; to love and then sow:
Life living Now; to understand: "Wow!"
Now's exclamation. Way past hesitation.
Smiles and Smiles of Puppy Piles
June 4, 1997
by Loveson G. Flower
Photo Portrait "Maggie & Jessie" by Loveson G. Flower