Of each and every, SunFlower heavenly
Seed, stem and flower; root, leaf and tower-
ing image of SunFlower dear?
Is it because, I once saw with pause,
True love finding love, like the Sun above?
When Barbara and Thomas, said their vows at their mass;
I was so moved that day, I heard myself say:
That it was my wedding day.
Embarrassed by this, slip of my kiss;
I dismissed it as just, excitement and fuss.
But could it just be, that my soul did then see
Real love in the hearts, to make whole all their parts?
Which now is my vision, to soar like the wind,
Above all the trees, although on bended knees.
I am with my tears, to know that all these years;
That really I looked, I baked and I cooked
For such an embrace, and only found traces
Of it out there, to hold and to share.
But all of the time, I ignored the kind
Of person I was, the love in my claws;
That scratched and then scared, myself unprepared
For holding her tight. My claws gave a fright.
Or how to get there, to love and to care;
For more than a time. Though we tried to bind
By physical force, like a bit on a horse;
To break its spirit, and make it come near it.
But losing the foal, of wholeness the goal.
Now I see clearly, and can hold dearly
The hurt little boy, who loved his first toy.
And all the women, and girls who befriend-
ed him in the dance, of love and romance.
The steps were complex, and seemingly hexed,
But the witches stew, a recipe that grew
The understanding heart, to rip it apart,
To have it stay alive, like bees from the hive.
By stinging the skin, to remind us within
That the mind and the groin, are opposite the coin.
And between the faces, are other places
That must exist, for the value to enlist.
And the heart is between, the mind and the spleen.
The gonads don't drive, this whole beehive.
And neither the brain, no matter the pain,
Can wholeness attain, without heart's rain.
For without the rain, it's desert and plain.
Just Death Valley day's, in scorching haze;
With my mouth dry, unable to cry.
And no lush rain forest, to nurture the nest.
A mechanical beast, without any yeast
To ferment the stew, and let sky to be blue.
A machine needs creator, but life creating is greater.
For rust, dust and gravity; are like men's depravity.
They stop the machine, and then the heart's scream
Is silenced forever, with no stormy weather;
To archetypal express, the painful duress
That if I could feel, in grief I would kneel.
ing love that I felt? And my heart I did melt?
That no longer in ice, my heart could take its place
Between head and penis, and then to the finish?
Barbara's love for her groom, and for SunFlower's bloom,
Became in my eyes, the key to be wise.
I'll become a SunFlower; roots, stems, leaves
And then tower.
And perhaps maybe then, in the meadow or glen
I'll shoot for the sky, almost butterfly.
And with vigor and flourish, my countenance nourish,
I'll open with grace; the beautiful face --
With yellow like fire, my purpose aspire:
To help free all the spirits, of my fellow creatures.
So all can then fly, and all hearts can then cry.
And all be connected, the longing corrected.

And daughter also, and all of us glow;
Then beautiful souls, like Barbara might enfold
Me into their arms, their love I did charm.
So this is the why, I reach for the sky:
To persuade love there, for my heart to care.
I feel some sheepish, admitting this wish,
And long for a way, for human to stay.
So I don't require, an impossible desire.
And I might find her where, a human could dare
To be me.....
Why Become Sunflower?
May 24, 1997
by Loveson G. Flower
at home in Woodside, CA
photos by Loveson G. Flower at Les Zeribas in Summer, 2007.
Although over 10 years old, this Heart Song is placed 2nd as it explains deep motivations for beginning and continuing along the Sunflower inspired path.

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