In the land of dreams and rhymes,
There lived a little Symbol,
Beautiful and nimble.
Who always was between,
The Question and serene
Answer to the Question.
Her name we musn't mention.
She always did her job;
Even when it made her sob
With the being in-between,
The Question and the scream.
Sometimes she felt the Sun,
When the Answers could freely come,
And could then bask into;
The bright, warm, sunny glow.
The Symbol grew each day,
And always found a way
To allow the Answer dear,
To be heard and to be clear.
So for many years,
Through trials and many tears,
The Symbol was always there,
While silent and always fair.
And she seemed to sometimes notice,
That the Questions showed the motive,
Of underlying Truths,
Of different paths to choose.
Because the Answers dear,
Were never to be feared.
They were her hope for growth.
Questions and Answers, she loved both.
She was just like a hand;
In the brave, new, wise dream land.
Who held the two partners:
Questions first and then Answers.
So they walked both hand in hand,
Across the See and Land.
And up withering heights.
She calmed their terror frights.
For sometimes the Answered Questions;
Were hard to hear and so shunned,
By both or either party,
Who Answered or Questioned to not See.
And our, poor Symbol became;
Old and sick from the cold rain,
Of stormy, tempest weather;
When Questioner hated Answer.
But she always did recover,
And saw in calmer weather,
That even in the tempest,
The Process was for the best.
For the Question-Answer Road,
When with love and care traveled,
Always led them home to Truth;
To new Understanding and Soul soothe.
And it was in this Soul dance,
That Homecoming had a chance.
Because the Question-Answer,
Were really just two mirrors.
For what does one mirror see,
In another mirror's be?
Cannot she see forever there;
In his seeing here her mirror clear?
This is the Dance's wise Purpose:
To find the Way, for Soul to choose
The Path of Love, the Path to Whole,
The Path with Oneness as the goal.
And our little Symbol dear,
Who helped the Path become so clear
Smiled lovingly through happy tears,
That they found the Way past their Fears.
And though knocked down and lying flat,
Our Symbol rose somehow to tap
Into the Source of Light and Know;
To help them See, their Paths to show.
Thank you kind Symbol for your help,
For being there with no thought of self.
And they are forever in her debt,
Though she modestly hopes they will forget,
And just continue Seeing clear.
She loves that they transcended Fear.
And the Journey is its own reward.
Questions & Answers married is....
.... Love transformed.

The Journey Is Its Own Reward
by Loveson G. Flower
Drawing by Loveson G. Flower