Patrice et Christelle,
Monsieur et Madam Bérerd
avec ses enfants,
Candice et Max
Marriage Vows
I'm here at my hotel,
"Le Manoir de la Forêt;"
After two days of hell
Driving so far to play;
To help Patrice and Christelle,
To observe their marriage,
Their complice and their vows,
Their turning to new page.
They've been together now
At least for 12-years long.
They've chosen to make vows
For reasons of their own song.
Which has rhythm of own.
Others must just observe.
We must let loving's song
Sing love as trust's deserved.
We can hope only that we
Might help as witnesses.
As they're not eloping,
But share their light with us.
As their photographer,
I hope to show to them
How beautiful they are;
So love might grow even
For old lovers and friends.
Your love lifts everyone.
Thank you for what you've done.
Loveson G. Flower
1300, Saturday 29 August 2009
before arriving at wedding
Restaurant de Le Manoir de la Forêt
Ville aux Clerc, France

Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
After Wedding's Song
In the morning after all
Has been said and done,
After tears and laughter called
Sent from Wedding's Song;
After all effort and plans;
After what was made;
After saw the care from friends
And family that day;
After heard moving service,
Inspired ceremony,
With words and music to all bless
Towards our higher being;
After making sacred vows
Before the world and God;
After realizing somehow
Our commitments were good;
After wild celebrations,
Fine dining, shows and dance;
After laughter's libations -
Fine wine, champagne, romance;
After all is memory
Becoming now a dream;
Then Love calls so Spirit sees
That we did sing Love's hymn
So we would bring Love home.
Loveson G. Flower
0900, Sunday 30 August 2009
morning after the wedding
Restaurant de Le Manoir de la Forêt
Ville aux Clerc, France

Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
Christelle et Patrice Bérerd Mariage
29 Août 2009
Château de Villemesle
Boisgasson, France
Music / Musique:
1. "L'Estate op.8 No.2 in Sol minore RV315" - Allegro Non Molto par Simon Standage; Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni
2. "Summer Time" par Jonathon Lee - Solo II Album
Photographer / Photographe - Paulie
Cameras / Appareils-photo - iPhone 3G, Sony DSC-W190
Photo Montage / Montage de photo - Loveson G. Flower
Tools used / Outils utilisés - Apple's iMac, iTunes, iPhoto, Quicktime Pro, Keynote; & iSquint, Snappy Pro X