Here is short clip from "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain" in the spirit of the character, Amélie - to inspire, to believe, to love - even when things seem darkest and without hope.
This is a scene after a temper tantrum by the "homme de verre" (man of glass), a sometimes bitter and cranky old man with such brittle bones that he can never leave his house for fear of serious injury. He has spent the last 20 years alone inside his apartment painting and re-painting his yearly rendition of Renoir's "Luncheon at the Boating Party" (see below). This is a painting of a bright, social life exactly opposite from his own. This is a wonderful metaphor of how we spiral in circles, repeating old patterns over and over, until we can evolve and grow.
He has discussed with Amélie the "fille avec le verre d'eau" (girl with glass of water) in the center of the Renoir painting who seems all alone and lonely amidst the social party - much like Amélie is in her life - trying to help her break out of her introvert shell while she is able, before she becomes like him.
In this scene he receives a second, home-recorded, video tape secretly made and sent from Amélie - who is trying to show him (and us) the wonders of life and ways other "handicapped" and wounded people have somehow found the courage to deal with their losses and problems. We're inspired by the poor, old, black man with "Hard Luck" who, without a leg, dances a delightful jig.
There is an old America saying: When given a lemon, make lemonade. Perhaps we can remember and believe that "Hard Luck" is still Luck. Somehow everything is perfect, and we will one day understand how everything fits together as if it was meant to be.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir's "Luncheon at the Boating Party," 1881

Quotation and movie poster from Wikipedia:élie
I cannot recommend this movie too highly. It is a wonderful portrait of our secret broken lives and how best to heal and grow and love. It is a artistic masterpiece being nominated for 5 Academy Awards and winning many other awards including Best Film at both the European Film Awards and César Awards. I have watched it many, many times; and am always moved by its message of hope, by its beautiful colors and characters, and by its sparkling clear mirror of what I believe our lives are really about.
Amelie - Le Moulin (Medley of scenes & music, "Le Moulin," from the movie - Mélange de scènes et de musique, « Le Moulin, » du film).