Now I'm on my way to home,
But started very late.
Found an hotel to stay alone.
Daisy will have to wait.
16 hundred photographs
We took of the wedding.
Beaming wonder's tears and laughs,
The Look of Love did sing.
Like a school of fish does see
With many, many eyes.
Then from Barracuda does flee,
Each one, on every side.
We live our lives in parallel
Though at the same event.
Life gives our sight to share and tell
What experience sent.
Watching the photos of others
Then all mixed up with mine,
Made deeper knowing of lovers -
Their every aspects shine.
Time, angles and perspective
With other differences;
Did shine on worlds our Love would give
To each others hearts then
And teach how Love can mend.
Loveson G. Flower
2130, Sunday 30 August 2009
2nd evening after wedding on drive home
Le Cardinal Restaurant
St. Etienne, France
School of Fish and Barracuda / École des Poissons et du Barracuda

School of Fish photos from / École des Poissons photos de:
1) http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/staticfiles /NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/Photography/Images/POD/f/french-polynesia-school-fish-513710-lw.jpg
2) http://www.2kiwis.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/IMG_1444.jpg

Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.