Many eyes of a School of Fish / Beaucoup de yeux d'une École des Poissons
Now I'm on my way to home,
But started very late.
Found an hotel to stay alone.
Daisy will have to wait.
16 hundred photographs
We took of the wedding.
Beaming wonder's tears and laughs,
The Look of Love did sing.
Like a school of fish does see
With many, many eyes.
Then from Barracuda does flee,
Each one, on every side.
We live our lives in parallel
Though at the same event.
Life gives our sight to share and tell
What experience sent.
Watching the photos of others
Then all mixed up with mine,
Made deeper knowing of lovers -
Their every aspects shine.
Time, angles and perspective
With other differences;
Did shine on worlds our Love would give
To each others hearts then
And teach how Love can mend.
Loveson G. Flower
2130, Sunday 30 August 2009
2nd evening after wedding on drive home
Le Cardinal Restaurant
St. Etienne, France
School of Fish and Barracuda / École des Poissons et du Barracuda
School of Fish photos from / École des Poissons photos de:
1) /NGS/Shared/StaticFiles/Photography/Images/POD/f/french-polynesia-school-fish-513710-lw.jpg
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Christelle et Patrice Mariage
Patrice et Christelle,
Monsieur et Madam Bérerd
avec ses enfants,
Candice et Max
Marriage Vows
I'm here at my hotel,
"Le Manoir de la Forêt;"
After two days of hell
Driving so far to play;
To help Patrice and Christelle,
To observe their marriage,
Their complice and their vows,
Their turning to new page.
They've been together now
At least for 12-years long.
They've chosen to make vows
For reasons of their own song.
Which has rhythm of own.
Others must just observe.
We must let loving's song
Sing love as trust's deserved.
We can hope only that we
Might help as witnesses.
As they're not eloping,
But share their light with us.
As their photographer,
I hope to show to them
How beautiful they are;
So love might grow even
For old lovers and friends.
Your love lifts everyone.
Thank you for what you've done.
Loveson G. Flower
1300, Saturday 29 August 2009
before arriving at wedding
Restaurant de Le Manoir de la Forêt
Ville aux Clerc, France
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
After Wedding's Song
In the morning after all
Has been said and done,
After tears and laughter called
Sent from Wedding's Song;
After all effort and plans;
After what was made;
After saw the care from friends
And family that day;
After heard moving service,
Inspired ceremony,
With words and music to all bless
Towards our higher being;
After making sacred vows
Before the world and God;
After realizing somehow
Our commitments were good;
After wild celebrations,
Fine dining, shows and dance;
After laughter's libations -
Fine wine, champagne, romance;
After all is memory
Becoming now a dream;
Then Love calls so Spirit sees
That we did sing Love's hymn
So we would bring Love home.
Loveson G. Flower
0900, Sunday 30 August 2009
morning after the wedding
Restaurant de Le Manoir de la Forêt
Ville aux Clerc, France
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
Christelle et Patrice Bérerd Mariage
29 Août 2009
Château de Villemesle
Boisgasson, France
Music / Musique:
1. "L'Estate op.8 No.2 in Sol minore RV315" - Allegro Non Molto par Simon Standage; Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert Antonio Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni
2. "Summer Time" par Jonathon Lee - Solo II Album
Photographer / Photographe - Paulie
Cameras / Appareils-photo - iPhone 3G, Sony DSC-W190
Photo Montage / Montage de photo - Loveson G. Flower
Tools used / Outils utilisés - Apple's iMac, iTunes, iPhoto, Quicktime Pro, Keynote; & iSquint, Snappy Pro X
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mohammad Ali's Life Recipe - How he wanted to be remembered
David Frost:
What would you like people to think about you when you’ve gone?
Mohammad Ali:
I’d like for them to say: “He took a few cups of love.
He took one tablespoon of patience,
One teaspoon of generosity,
One pint of kindness.
He took one quart of laughter,
One pinch of concern.
And then, he mixed willingness with happiness.
He added lots of faith,
And he stirred it up well.
Then he spred it over a span of a lifetime,
And he served it to it to each and every deserving person he met.”
David Frost:
Mohammad Ali, thank you very much!
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Jack Kornfield - Enlightenment / Éclaircissement
Imagine that every person in the world is enlightened but you. They are all your teachers, each doing just the right things to help you learn perfect patience, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion.
- Jack Kornfield
photo and quotation from:
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)
- Jack Kornfield
photo and quotation from:
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hard Luck - Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain
Here is short clip from "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain" in the spirit of the character, Amélie - to inspire, to believe, to love - even when things seem darkest and without hope.
This is a scene after a temper tantrum by the "homme de verre" (man of glass), a sometimes bitter and cranky old man with such brittle bones that he can never leave his house for fear of serious injury. He has spent the last 20 years alone inside his apartment painting and re-painting his yearly rendition of Renoir's "Luncheon at the Boating Party" (see below). This is a painting of a bright, social life exactly opposite from his own. This is a wonderful metaphor of how we spiral in circles, repeating old patterns over and over, until we can evolve and grow.
He has discussed with Amélie the "fille avec le verre d'eau" (girl with glass of water) in the center of the Renoir painting who seems all alone and lonely amidst the social party - much like Amélie is in her life - trying to help her break out of her introvert shell while she is able, before she becomes like him.
In this scene he receives a second, home-recorded, video tape secretly made and sent from Amélie - who is trying to show him (and us) the wonders of life and ways other "handicapped" and wounded people have somehow found the courage to deal with their losses and problems. We're inspired by the poor, old, black man with "Hard Luck" who, without a leg, dances a delightful jig.
There is an old America saying: When given a lemon, make lemonade. Perhaps we can remember and believe that "Hard Luck" is still Luck. Somehow everything is perfect, and we will one day understand how everything fits together as if it was meant to be.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir's "Luncheon at the Boating Party," 1881
"Amélie is a 2001 romantic comedy film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and starring Audrey Tautou. Its original French title is Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain ("The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie Poulain"). Written by Jeunet with Guillaume Laurant, the film is a whimsical and idealized depiction of contemporary Parisian life, set in Montmartre. It tells the story of a shy waitress who decides to change the lives of those around her for the better, while struggling with her own isolation."
Quotation and movie poster from Wikipedia:élie
I cannot recommend this movie too highly. It is a wonderful portrait of our secret broken lives and how best to heal and grow and love. It is a artistic masterpiece being nominated for 5 Academy Awards and winning many other awards including Best Film at both the European Film Awards and César Awards. I have watched it many, many times; and am always moved by its message of hope, by its beautiful colors and characters, and by its sparkling clear mirror of what I believe our lives are really about.
Amelie - Le Moulin (Medley of scenes & music, "Le Moulin," from the movie - Mélange de scènes et de musique, « Le Moulin, » du film).
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address 2005
Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Computer
Commencement Address at Stanford University
given 12 June 2005, Palo Alto, CA
Commencement Adresse à l'Université de Stanford
de 12 Juin 2005, Palo Alto, CA
Wise and inspiring words from a great thinker, inventor, motivator, and visionary about growing; about life's choices, successes, and defeats; about the clarity of death and the finding and following what we love.
video from:
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Tracy Chapman - All That You Have Is Your Soul
Tracy Chapman
'All That You Have Is Your Soul"
Oh my mama told me
'Cause she say she learned the hard way
She say she wanna spare the children
She say don't give or sell your soul away
'Cause all that you have is your soul
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul
Well I was a pretty young girl once
I had dreams I had high hopes
I married a man he stole my heart away
He gave his love but what a high price I paid
All that you have is your soul
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul
Why was I such a young fool
Thought I'd make history
Making babies was the best I could do
Thought I'd made something that could be mine forever
Found out the hard way one can't possess another
And all that you have is your soul
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul
I thought, thought that I could find a way
To beat the system
To make a deal and have no debts to pay
I'd take it all, Id take it all, I'd run away
Me for myself first class and first rate
But all that you have is your soul
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul
Here I am, I'm waiting for a better day
A second chance
A little luck to come my way
A hope to dream, a hope that I can sleep again
And wake in the world with a clear conscience and clean hands
'Cause all that you have is your soul
So don't be tempted by the shiny apple
Don't you eat of a bitter fruit
Hunger only for a taste of justice
Hunger only for a world of truth
'Cause all that you have is your soul
Oh my mama told me
'Cause she say she learned the hard way
She say she wanna spare the children
She say don't give or sell your soul away
'Cause all that you have is your soul
All that you have
All that you have
All that you have
Is your soul
tools used: iMac, iTunes, iPhoto, Quicktime Pro; & iSquint, KaraTunes, Snappy Pro X
music from: Tracy Chapman Collection
images from: Google Images
lyrics from: s/61917-all_that_you_have_is_your_soul-l yrics.htm
Diaporama: Loveson G. Flower
French translation made by bob00 / Traduction française réalisée par bob00,t37049
To see the translation larger, click on the white page. / Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Wisdom of "Gloriette"
I finished my "Gloriette."
It's round with 8 places;
With symbols to hope Love lets
Surround seasons' faces.
Worked on table many weeks
Until was satisfied;
The work made able symbols speak
To tell how Wholeness tried
To grow, evolve through each season,
Evolving day and night;
To know what Love would teach each son
And daughter with its Light.
At mid-season when change is calm
We can relax a bit
Until new season's derrange comes
To man like axe to quit
The habits and the comfort zones
That worked then here-to-fore.
We must quit but like child phones home
We long season before.
When all was "good" and understood,
When didn't need to change.
When Love withstood with Wonder's food,
And shadows hid their rage -
And "bad" was then old age.
by Loveson G. Flower
2:30 PM Thursday, 30 July, 2009
Au Roy D'ys
Sanary sur Mer
Musique: Frédéric Chopin: "Mazurka No. 4 (Opus 17 No 4)"
Album: The Romantics: A Windham Hill Collection
Photos: L.G. Flower, Barbara, Thomas, Jan, Karine, et Matteo
Outils: iPhone 3G, iMac, iPhoto, iTunes, iSquint, Quicktime Pro
"Gloriette" conçu et construit par Elpicov Metal, Ollioules, France
"Gloriette" table mosaïque et base conception et finition par L.G. Flower
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
The Gloriette and table mosaic design was chosen to try and express in a non-verbal, symbolic, even mathematical way something about growth, evolution and Wholeness; using circles in squares & squares in circles; multiples of the number 4 in aspect, dimension and design; evolving dark and light; and other "big picture" reflection expressions of Life.
La conception de la mosaïque de la Gloriette et le tableau a été choisi pour essayer d'exprimer en façon non-verbale, symbolique, meme une façon mathématique quelque chose au sujet de la croissance, l'évolution et la complétude; en utilisant des cercles dans les carrés et les carrés dans les cercles; multiples le nombre de 4 en aspect, la dimension et la conception; obscurité et lumière en évolution; et d'autres expressions de réflexion de la « grande tableau » de la vie.
The number 4 symbolizes Wholeness to me like the 4 seasons (in each year or of a life total) and the 4 dimensions. Thus growing, spiraling squares symbolizes Wholeness at each place and time; and evolution of that Wholeness.
Le numéro 4 symbolise l'intégrité à moi comme les 4 saisons (dans tous les ans ou d'un total de la vie) et les 4 dimensions. Ansi, la croissance, les places en spirale symbolise la complétude, à chaque lieu et heure, et évolution de cette intégrité.
There are about 400 pieces of tile inside the spiraling pattern and 400 outside within the table in total (Perhaps symbolic for inner and outer balance). The Gloriette has 8 seats. The table is 1 meter 40 cm in diameter. The seats are 40 cm in depth. The plants are within circular pots held by 4-sided square holders. The inner spiraling pattern finishes in 4 sides is held within the larger circles of the table and the Gloriette.
Il ya environ 400 morceaux de tuiles à l'intérieur de la structure en spirale et 400 en dehors de la table au total (Peut-être symbolique pour l'équilibre intérieur et externe). La Gloriette a 8 places. Le tableau est de 1 mètre 40 cm de diamètre. Les sièges sont de 40 cm de profondeur. Les plantes sont dans des pots de détenus par la circulaire 4-faces carrées titulaires. Le modèle interne en spirale se termine en 4 parties se tient dans les cercles plus grands de la table et du Gloriette.
Nearly every piece of the 800 tiles reflect a 4-sided or square pattern yet fits into a overall circle of Unity and Wholeness. The spiraling patterns forms a Fibonacci sequence, or "Golden Ratio," so common to all life forms (like sunflower seeds) and art.
Presque chaque pièce de 800 carreaux de refléter un 4-faces carrées ou encore schéma global s'inscrit dans un cercle d'unité et de plénitude. Les schémas de forme une spirale Ordre de Fibonacci, ou "Ratio doré", si commun à tous les formes de vie (comme les graines de tournesol) et de l'art.
The pattern outside of the inner spiral is also spiraling but changes direction on each side. This is like each season having its same but somehow different goals and patterns.
Le modèle en dehors de la spirale intérieure est aussi se développer en spirales, mais change de direction de chaque côté. C'est comme à chaque saison, dont le même, mais quelque peu différents objectifs et les modes.
One interesting set of problems occurs during the transition from one season to the next (like our "mid-life crises"). Which vector of direction do we choose - that of the past or future? As we often try to hold on to the past and what is familiar, I chose to use the direction from the season past when confronted with the ambiguity.
Une intéressante série de problèmes se produit pendant la période de transition d'une saison à l'autre (comme la notre "des crises à mi-vie"). Quel vecteur de la direction choisissons-nous - cela du passé ou du futur? Car nous essayons souvent de nous tenir sur le passé et ce qui est familier, J'ai choisi d'utiliser la direction de la saison passée face à l'ambiguïté.
One way to look at the "meaning" of the symbols in total is that all life (including we humans) start out Whole, like the innermost cicle. We become separate and divided but try throughout life to evolve and reach Wholeness. The light and dark (physically, psychologically, spiritually) also begins, grows and evolves.
Une façon de regarder la "signification" des symboles dans le total, c'est que toutes les formes de vie (y compris nous, les humains) commencent Entier, comme l'intime cycle. Nous devenons distincts et divisés, mais essayer au long de la vie d'évoluer et d'atteindre l'Intégrité. La lumière et l'obscurité (physiquement, psychologiquement, spirituellement) aussi commence, se développe et évolue.
At each moment or place we are part of different stories and patterns symbolized by the two directions as in the pattern of the Sunflower seed, and the Fibonacci sequence. Even after the organism is "Whole," symbolized by the spiral finishing in the inner square, evolutionary growth continues. Thus outside the inner square, the light and dark patterns, continue to evolve in a balanced way for each season - infinitely and forever.
A chaque moment ou le lieu, nous faisons partie des histoires et des modes différentes, symbolisé par les deux sens comme dans le modèle de la graine de tournesol, et la séquence de Fibonacci. Même après que l'organisme est "tout entier", symbolisé par la spirale de finition dans le carré intérieur, l'évolution continue de la croissance. Ainsi, à l'extérieur du carré intérieur, la lumière et l'obscurité tendances continuera à évoluer de façon équilibrée pour chaque saison - l'infini et pour toujours.
Loveson G. Flower
at home / à la maison
August 16, 2009 / 16 août 2009
Photos and table mosaic designed and made by Loveson G. Flower using tile and pre-made spiraling, evolving pattern purchased from Leroy Merlin, Toulon, France.
Photos et table mosaïque conçus et réalisés par Loveson G. Flower utilisant la tuile et pré-faite configuration se développant en spirales et en évolution achetée de Leroy Merlin, Toulon, France.
Photo of Da Vinci's famous sketch showing the mathematical "Golden Ratio" in the human body from: / Photo de Da Vinci's croquis célèbre montrant les mathématiques "Ratio doré" dans le corps humain à partir de:
It's round with 8 places;
With symbols to hope Love lets
Surround seasons' faces.
Worked on table many weeks
Until was satisfied;
The work made able symbols speak
To tell how Wholeness tried
To grow, evolve through each season,
Evolving day and night;
To know what Love would teach each son
And daughter with its Light.
At mid-season when change is calm
We can relax a bit
Until new season's derrange comes
To man like axe to quit
The habits and the comfort zones
That worked then here-to-fore.
We must quit but like child phones home
We long season before.
When all was "good" and understood,
When didn't need to change.
When Love withstood with Wonder's food,
And shadows hid their rage -
And "bad" was then old age.
by Loveson G. Flower
2:30 PM Thursday, 30 July, 2009
Au Roy D'ys
Sanary sur Mer
Musique: Frédéric Chopin: "Mazurka No. 4 (Opus 17 No 4)"
Album: The Romantics: A Windham Hill Collection
Photos: L.G. Flower, Barbara, Thomas, Jan, Karine, et Matteo
Outils: iPhone 3G, iMac, iPhoto, iTunes, iSquint, Quicktime Pro
"Gloriette" conçu et construit par Elpicov Metal, Ollioules, France
"Gloriette" table mosaïque et base conception et finition par L.G. Flower
Traduction Anglais-Français fait avec aide des outils linguistic de Google et d'autres. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French made with help from linguistic tools of Google and others. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
The Gloriette and table mosaic design was chosen to try and express in a non-verbal, symbolic, even mathematical way something about growth, evolution and Wholeness; using circles in squares & squares in circles; multiples of the number 4 in aspect, dimension and design; evolving dark and light; and other "big picture" reflection expressions of Life.
La conception de la mosaïque de la Gloriette et le tableau a été choisi pour essayer d'exprimer en façon non-verbale, symbolique, meme une façon mathématique quelque chose au sujet de la croissance, l'évolution et la complétude; en utilisant des cercles dans les carrés et les carrés dans les cercles; multiples le nombre de 4 en aspect, la dimension et la conception; obscurité et lumière en évolution; et d'autres expressions de réflexion de la « grande tableau » de la vie.
The number 4 symbolizes Wholeness to me like the 4 seasons (in each year or of a life total) and the 4 dimensions. Thus growing, spiraling squares symbolizes Wholeness at each place and time; and evolution of that Wholeness.
Le numéro 4 symbolise l'intégrité à moi comme les 4 saisons (dans tous les ans ou d'un total de la vie) et les 4 dimensions. Ansi, la croissance, les places en spirale symbolise la complétude, à chaque lieu et heure, et évolution de cette intégrité.
There are about 400 pieces of tile inside the spiraling pattern and 400 outside within the table in total (Perhaps symbolic for inner and outer balance). The Gloriette has 8 seats. The table is 1 meter 40 cm in diameter. The seats are 40 cm in depth. The plants are within circular pots held by 4-sided square holders. The inner spiraling pattern finishes in 4 sides is held within the larger circles of the table and the Gloriette.
Il ya environ 400 morceaux de tuiles à l'intérieur de la structure en spirale et 400 en dehors de la table au total (Peut-être symbolique pour l'équilibre intérieur et externe). La Gloriette a 8 places. Le tableau est de 1 mètre 40 cm de diamètre. Les sièges sont de 40 cm de profondeur. Les plantes sont dans des pots de détenus par la circulaire 4-faces carrées titulaires. Le modèle interne en spirale se termine en 4 parties se tient dans les cercles plus grands de la table et du Gloriette.
Nearly every piece of the 800 tiles reflect a 4-sided or square pattern yet fits into a overall circle of Unity and Wholeness. The spiraling patterns forms a Fibonacci sequence, or "Golden Ratio," so common to all life forms (like sunflower seeds) and art.
Presque chaque pièce de 800 carreaux de refléter un 4-faces carrées ou encore schéma global s'inscrit dans un cercle d'unité et de plénitude. Les schémas de forme une spirale Ordre de Fibonacci, ou "Ratio doré", si commun à tous les formes de vie (comme les graines de tournesol) et de l'art.
The pattern outside of the inner spiral is also spiraling but changes direction on each side. This is like each season having its same but somehow different goals and patterns.
Le modèle en dehors de la spirale intérieure est aussi se développer en spirales, mais change de direction de chaque côté. C'est comme à chaque saison, dont le même, mais quelque peu différents objectifs et les modes.
One interesting set of problems occurs during the transition from one season to the next (like our "mid-life crises"). Which vector of direction do we choose - that of the past or future? As we often try to hold on to the past and what is familiar, I chose to use the direction from the season past when confronted with the ambiguity.
Une intéressante série de problèmes se produit pendant la période de transition d'une saison à l'autre (comme la notre "des crises à mi-vie"). Quel vecteur de la direction choisissons-nous - cela du passé ou du futur? Car nous essayons souvent de nous tenir sur le passé et ce qui est familier, J'ai choisi d'utiliser la direction de la saison passée face à l'ambiguïté.
One way to look at the "meaning" of the symbols in total is that all life (including we humans) start out Whole, like the innermost cicle. We become separate and divided but try throughout life to evolve and reach Wholeness. The light and dark (physically, psychologically, spiritually) also begins, grows and evolves.
Une façon de regarder la "signification" des symboles dans le total, c'est que toutes les formes de vie (y compris nous, les humains) commencent Entier, comme l'intime cycle. Nous devenons distincts et divisés, mais essayer au long de la vie d'évoluer et d'atteindre l'Intégrité. La lumière et l'obscurité (physiquement, psychologiquement, spirituellement) aussi commence, se développe et évolue.
At each moment or place we are part of different stories and patterns symbolized by the two directions as in the pattern of the Sunflower seed, and the Fibonacci sequence. Even after the organism is "Whole," symbolized by the spiral finishing in the inner square, evolutionary growth continues. Thus outside the inner square, the light and dark patterns, continue to evolve in a balanced way for each season - infinitely and forever.
A chaque moment ou le lieu, nous faisons partie des histoires et des modes différentes, symbolisé par les deux sens comme dans le modèle de la graine de tournesol, et la séquence de Fibonacci. Même après que l'organisme est "tout entier", symbolisé par la spirale de finition dans le carré intérieur, l'évolution continue de la croissance. Ainsi, à l'extérieur du carré intérieur, la lumière et l'obscurité tendances continuera à évoluer de façon équilibrée pour chaque saison - l'infini et pour toujours.
Loveson G. Flower
at home / à la maison
August 16, 2009 / 16 août 2009
Photos and table mosaic designed and made by Loveson G. Flower using tile and pre-made spiraling, evolving pattern purchased from Leroy Merlin, Toulon, France.
Photos et table mosaïque conçus et réalisés par Loveson G. Flower utilisant la tuile et pré-faite configuration se développant en spirales et en évolution achetée de Leroy Merlin, Toulon, France.
Photo of Da Vinci's famous sketch showing the mathematical "Golden Ratio" in the human body from: / Photo de Da Vinci's croquis célèbre montrant les mathématiques "Ratio doré" dans le corps humain à partir de:
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