A subject understood by few.
Important to be in the know
Because they are a printing dough.
To anybody with a brain,
The country’s going quite insane.
Supply of money, speak of crimes,
Is multiplying by 3 times.
So quickly run up to your boss.
Cause you don’t want him to be cross.
And tell him that you want a raise.
Or else you’ll get a job that pays.
Cause country now is in the den
Of man named helicopter Ben.
He’s printing money, tell no lies,
And dropping dollars from the skies.
With dollars printing, it’s not right.
It’s time that we stood up to fight.
So hasten and stick out your cup.
Cause prices all are going up.
Now Ford, GM, they’ll get their share.
And Pres. Obama doesn’t care.
There’s one thing that I clearly see:
No bailout comes for you and me.
By Howard Katz
from: www.thegoldbug.net
December 16, 2008
This poem by Mr. Katz is presented because we believe it artfully tells important truths of our economic state and future that are beyond my ability to express. -- LG Flower

The above chart - which proves Mr. Katz assertion about the recent TRIPLING (!) of the supply of money - is from the very important analysis by Jim Willie,"Lawsuits, the Cadaver & Gold" published December 16, 2008. As are all of Mr. Willie's insightful writings; this is very, very recommended to understand the current, critical macro economic and political situation and how we can best help ourselves and those we care about through a deeper understanding of reality - however difficult. It can be found at http://www.kitco.com/ind/willie/dec162008.html

The above chart is from an article by Howard Katz, "Depression by any other Name" and also shows the alarming rate of currency expansion with all the inflation effects that implies. Please find the article at http://www.kitco.com/ind/katz/dec162008.html
-- LG Flower