With history we had a date.
The New York Times, I do expound,
Put all financial markets down.
And Ben Bernanke’s very slow.
He’s in the back room printing dough.
I’m asking in my little rhyme,
“How come that this is not a crime?”
He’s printing dough, who knows what for?
He keeps on printing more and more.
I’d like to say, not being brash,
To get your assets out of cash.
They rob from poor to give to rich.
So do not listen to their pitch.
And when they say, “deflation, ho,”
Be sure to answer with a “No.”
2002, I nailed it cold.
I said to you, “Get into gold.”
But clever is as clever does.
I just didn’t know how right I was.
Things are much worse than I foresaw.
So turn the page and learn some more.
A sad, sad story does unfold.
So get your assets into gold.
by Howard Katz, The One-Handed Economist
from: www.thegoldbug.net
December 31, 2008

This poem by Mr. Katz is presented because we believe it artfully tells important truths of our economic state and future that are beyond our ability to express. -- LG Flower