By Howard Katz
The time has come; it is our fate
To welcome in 2008.
This is the year, below I prove,
When gold mine stocks do make their move.
2005, year-end got hot.
Gold mining stocks moved up a lot.
And gold investors got their kicks
In first 4 months, 2006.
2007, things got warm.
A giant triangle did form.
On Labor Day, this is no joke,
Then out that triangle it broke.
As New Year's holiday comes neigh,
We find that gold is very high.
To tell you this it does behoove,
Gold mining stocks will make their move.
Cause word is out around the town.
The U.S. dollar's going down.
Just like the bad old days of yore,
Bernanke makes the people poor.
Important message of this poem:
You can't afford to own your home
Unless you're taking action bold
And buying mining stocks of gold.
At turn of month, good things did bode,
And gold and silver did explode.
The candles showed a bozu day.
It was the very end of May.
When I looked at the XAU,
I knew exactly what to do.
The same result – get in and buy –
From looking at the HUI.
So all the bulls their muscles flex.
It’s showing in the GOX.
A double bozu on the chart
Doth show that we are very smart.
So gold bugs, gold bugs, shout hurray.
It started at the end of May,
Continued on the 1st of June
Upon the fullness of the moon.
And if you wanted more to see:
Explosion in the CRB.
The nicest thing I’ve ever seen,
With crude and wheat and coffee bean.
And over in financial pit
The bonds were falling (took a hit).
For when commodities are gay,
T-bonds will go the other way.
And Canook dollar (ain’t no jive)
Is closing in on 95.
Cause US dollar, you all know,
Is heading for an all-time low.
The Shanghai market (sakes alive)
Has just begun to take a dive.
SSEC (news just been sent)
Is down another 8%.
They’re whispering all over town
That Ben Bernanke wears a frown.
His job it is not to be nice
But keep a firm control of price.
So how come Ben you do not know
One can’t make wealth by printing dough?
And why do you manipulate
The level of the interest rate?
The BLS will tell you Ben
Crude prices rise beyond your ken.
These prices make their way of late
To goods in intermediate.
And finally prices passed on through
Consumer goods, from them to you.
And that is why you are a chump.
We all can see it at the pump.
Don’t blame the gougers; that’s not nice.
They are not causing rise in price.
The man to blame, we all know who,
That man to blame, that man is you.
Cause you’re the one who prints the dough,
And that is something we all know.
Yes, printing money’s very bad.
It makes the people very sad.
We all do know; you are the gent
Who doubles up the people’s rent.
So to protect myself, you see,
I load up with commodity.
Because my stocks have now been sold,
And I am sitting tight with gold.
When everything is done and said,
See who it is comes out ahead.
And if you folks would like to know
Just how to make a lot of dough.
Then visit thegoldbug.net,
And you will find you win your bet.
Soon stocks and bonds will both be down,
Commodities, the game in town.
And gold will soar. I tell you that’s
The honest truth,
Howard Katz
By Howard Katz
from: www.thegoldbug.net and www.kitco.com
Jun 5 2007 9:25AM
This poem by Mr. Katz is presented because we believe it artfully tells important truths of our economic state and future that are beyond my ability to express. -- LG Flower
Photo from: www.usagold.com