Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Rep. Ron Paul: Don't Do It Mr. President
Honorable Ron Paul of Texas before the U.S. House of Representatives on February 6, 2007.
Music: "President Man" by Steve Dore of www.inflationnation.us.
Come find out why so many are impressed with the honesty, integrity, and courage of Doctor Ron Paul. He stands for real American values, Constitutional government, sane fiscal and foreign affairs policies, and all the things we Americans grew up believing a peaceful and just America stood for; like the heroic, wise, courageous characters in a Norman Rockwell patriotic painting; or Jimmy Stewart's roles in "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." As a Medical Doctor for over 30 years, Dr. Ron Paul sees clearly and speaks straight without a normal politician's forked tongue. For me, Dr. Paul has the stature of a John Kennedy and of a founding father of our nation. Please investigate yourself and come join us when you can.
LG Flower not affiliated with Doctor Ron Paul's presidential campaign or with Steve Dore.
Rep. Ron Paul: Don't Do It Mr. President
by Loveson G. Flower
Published 24 May 2007. After email consultation with Steve Dore and many changes, published on YouTube after over 10 attempts on Google and YouTube.