It’s that magic time before warm sunshine;
Between night and day;
Before Sun wakes up, puts on her make-up
To shine Light this way.
The sky’s getting blue, letting "Why" shine through.
Not only the black
That hid everything, in Dark’s offering;
Lonely’s wisdom lack.
Soon the Light will shine in boon of daytime
With questions answered.
Inadequacies, vanquished with Love Sees
Giving wonder world.
So we continue to be Seeing true
Past the nightime of;
When we couldn’t know what we wouldn’t show
From the fright of Love.
The colors do change, the world’s rearranged
From the Morning Light.
The birdies do sing. They are announcing
Their joy from the sight.
Calling to their friends: “Wake-up everyone!
For the time is here
To our world improve, to soar in Love’s groove.
Sunshine’s fine and clear!”
The cold does recede. The woe when Love bleeds
To keep Heart alive;
Is now worth the cost. Loving wasn’t lost.
Heart weeping Art’s strive
To say all our Truth. No shallow, refused
Childish attitude;
That refused to see, that when our hearts bleed;
Love’s Wish finds her food.
To become more strong, even with the wrongs
And the suffering.
Like what Rumi said, “Break heart over and
Over so to bring
My heart now alive.” To start Loving Life,
Each and every part:
The worms in the grass, butterflies at last,
Who reach flowers’ Art.
To taste their nectar, and chase their care far
Over hill and dale.
In the glory of, flying’s soaring Love;
Lover’s Will to tell
By just their being, their trust in Seeing
And their being Seen.
For it’s obvious from their flying bliss;
Their care is being
Now announced to All. Up over the walls
Past the Night time’s curse
When then in cocoon, stuck then in the room
With no Light to cure.
While we gathered strength before Caring’s race
When we could break out;
To fly in the air, to shine all our Care,
Gloriously now.
Moving to Love show.
Singing. Dancing. Wow!
Morning Light
6:00 AM, Wednesday, May 9, 2007
home in bed
Photo by E.J. Peiter from the 500 Best Photos on the Internet