Have lost my kitty, Vincent boy.
Sad cost a pity, his sent joy
Seems gone away, can't find way home.
Be's wronged today, planting play's done.
He's been with me, for 5 years glad.
Has seen many, war's cried tears sad.
Slept with Paulie, in the nighttime.
Kept company, saved from fright I'm.
Will miss him so, if he must go.
Killing kiss blow, wisdom halo.
My companion, held me tender.
Me a champion, his see sent here.
Wrapped his soft paws, around my arms.
Sleeping soft was, his bound kind charms.
Was the first born, of my family.
Love's uniform, love inside me.
Wore it often, more and more then
War's scared coffin, door did open.
Let me see love, that's inside me
Thank you my love, Vincent kitty.
Vincent Love Sent
by Loveson G. Flower
Wednesday, 3:34 PM 10/29/97
Cafe Barrone, Menlo Park

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Thursday, October 30, 1997
Tuesday, October 21, 1997
Unknowing's Going
Do the rhymes flow through from me?
Through sometime to sow some seeds?
Keeping here listening hard.
Creeping fear blisters sing's yard.
If we can just try the task.
Let See stand must fly the mask
That separates the true me
From hapless face "reality."
For what now is "real" really?
More shit foul to kill my See?
At every stage of my life,
Did very wage knowing's strife.
Thought I knew high reality.
Bought congruent's fidelity.
Sure, so sure, of righteous truth
Cured woe's fear of Nighttime's tooth.
How to stay with the unknowing?
Bowing's play for wisdom going.
Keep the vacuum alive and well.
Weep. Accumulate love's swell.
Unknowing's Going
by Loveson G. Flower
12:45 PM, 10/21/97
Allied Arts Restaurant, Menlo Park
Through sometime to sow some seeds?
Keeping here listening hard.
Creeping fear blisters sing's yard.
If we can just try the task.
Let See stand must fly the mask
That separates the true me
From hapless face "reality."
For what now is "real" really?
More shit foul to kill my See?
At every stage of my life,
Did very wage knowing's strife.
Thought I knew high reality.
Bought congruent's fidelity.
Sure, so sure, of righteous truth
Cured woe's fear of Nighttime's tooth.
How to stay with the unknowing?
Bowing's play for wisdom going.
Keep the vacuum alive and well.
Weep. Accumulate love's swell.
Unknowing's Going
by Loveson G. Flower
12:45 PM, 10/21/97
Allied Arts Restaurant, Menlo Park
Sunday, October 12, 1997
Virtuoso Love
Woke up dreaming. The pianist screaming
Incredible arpeggios.
Smoke almost seeming, from piano gleaming
Delectable arms, fingers throws.
Virtuoso live performance go
Pianist and Singer. Wow!
Searching so for perfect musical
No notes missed by fingers now.
Is it possible? Seems so improbable
That such talent lives in me?
Are you in there, just waiting to come share
So much love sent if believe See?
Overcome call, to Life's obstacles
Finding a way to the path.
No matter the block, in road won't be knocked
Winding our way past our wrath.
Virtuoso Love
by Loveson G. Flower
Sunday, 5:00 AM 10/12/97
home in bed
Musique du film "Love Story", Francis Lai, en Piano Solo.
Piano: Steinway D
Musician: Elie Drai (pianiste israélien / israelian pianist)
Video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ8d7f9o6OY
This piano arrangement from "Love Story" was the piece I played over and over in learning piano to express my profound pain and suffering during and after the break-up of my first, true love (at least so I thought then) when just 19-years-old at the US Naval Academy. It was also the start of my inner Artist's expression. Who seemed to insist to come out and express although I was so trapped in a left-brained, all-male, military world.
Cet agencement de piano de « Love Story » était la partie que j'ai jouée à plusieurs reprises en apprenant le piano pour exprimer ma douleur profonde et la souffrance pendant et après la dissolution de mon première, amour vrai (au moins ainsi j'ai pensé alors) quand j'ai juste 19 années à l'Académie Navale des USA. C'était également le début de l'expression de mon artiste intérieur. Qui a semblé insister pour sortir et exprimer bien que j'aie été ainsi emprisonné dans un gauche-brained, tout-mâle, monde militaire.
-- LG Flower
Friday, October 10, 1997
Wisdom's Care
Autumn wind, brings sensuous clouds
Of dramatic shapes unfolding.
Bottom sin, flings tempest loud
Of climatic places holding.
Does the sky, say why can't I
Find consistent, kissing cousins?
Sometimes I, play with chance my
Sin resistant blessing doesn't.
What if I, then can't still fly
When reckless love's disease
Want's to stay, won't be away
Sent feckless glove's in breeze?
Does appetite, say that I might
Need / want changes' tune?
Can't satisfy, my crave so I
Bleed warrant's range too soon?
What comes with age, beyond death's cage,
Is balding, wrinkles, lines.
But some will say, what comes' dismay
Kills halting drink's wise finds.
Wisdom's Care
by Loveson G. Flower
Friday, 5:17 PM, 10/10/97
Cafe Barone', Menlo Park
Video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zepm2HaGvHw
Music: "Caribbean Blue" by Enya, from album "Paint the Sky With Stars - The Best of Enya"
Listen with All Ears
Lying here with Vincent
Sleeping on my arm.
Trying clear to love send
Weeping to disarm.
Dreamt about a Doctor
Who could listen not.
Meant a lot about heart.
Wouldn't miss Mind's pout.
If Mind really listened,
Listened with all ears,
He'd find chilly his sends.
Isn't any tears.
In another dream we lost
Sweet Aunt Ethyl dear.
Is mother leave the cost
Keeping lethal fear?
Dreams of feminine
Upset with old male's role
Screams seem genuine
Beset with whole's failed goal?
Listen with All Ears
by Loveson G. Flower
6:00 AM Friday, 10/10/97
home in bed
Sleeping on my arm.
Trying clear to love send
Weeping to disarm.
Dreamt about a Doctor
Who could listen not.
Meant a lot about heart.
Wouldn't miss Mind's pout.
If Mind really listened,
Listened with all ears,
He'd find chilly his sends.
Isn't any tears.
In another dream we lost
Sweet Aunt Ethyl dear.
Is mother leave the cost
Keeping lethal fear?
Dreams of feminine
Upset with old male's role
Screams seem genuine
Beset with whole's failed goal?
Listen with All Ears
by Loveson G. Flower
6:00 AM Friday, 10/10/97
home in bed
Wednesday, October 8, 1997
All Parts Need Love
Read to Craig all my week's story.
How my dream places and worry
Of why no Miss Lover to touch,
Of my blaming myself too much.
Seems my dreams and songs connect so
That my screams and wrongs detect grow.
My new place, super computing,
Help's old race, old self disputing
That there is any hope here.
New self wants to bring him cheer.
Dreams of Debbie coming to say
That she forgives and loves OK,
That everything was just what had
To happen even with my dad.
My dream of leaving, coming
And be moved by all her running
To find a way to thank me
Says so much about my See.
Guess my anima forgives me
And inner ma even loves me.
The new supercomputer,
Has mythic, female instructor.
Instructions to make it work,
And old computer still thinks he's jerk.
New wants old to forgive all.
Sue chants cold can't live appall.
We need love in all our parts.
Instructions work even in old parts.
Old part has trouble finding
Feminine instructions winding.
And even more has much doubt,
That Being's scored past can out.
Thinks that we are worthless still.
Blinks when taking self-worth pill.
What Mind knows is not in boy,
Yet. Find growing's hot for joy.
All Parts Need Love
by Loveson G. Flower
1:00 PM, 10/8/97
How my dream places and worry
Of why no Miss Lover to touch,
Of my blaming myself too much.
Seems my dreams and songs connect so
That my screams and wrongs detect grow.
My new place, super computing,
Help's old race, old self disputing
That there is any hope here.
New self wants to bring him cheer.
Dreams of Debbie coming to say
That she forgives and loves OK,
That everything was just what had
To happen even with my dad.
My dream of leaving, coming
And be moved by all her running
To find a way to thank me
Says so much about my See.
Guess my anima forgives me
And inner ma even loves me.
The new supercomputer,
Has mythic, female instructor.
Instructions to make it work,
And old computer still thinks he's jerk.
New wants old to forgive all.
Sue chants cold can't live appall.
We need love in all our parts.
Instructions work even in old parts.
Old part has trouble finding
Feminine instructions winding.
And even more has much doubt,
That Being's scored past can out.
Thinks that we are worthless still.
Blinks when taking self-worth pill.
What Mind knows is not in boy,
Yet. Find growing's hot for joy.
All Parts Need Love
by Loveson G. Flower
1:00 PM, 10/8/97
Tension's Contention
I am stuck here in my bed.
Seems my luck cheered gone instead.
Can't get atoms all in gear.
Dreaming phantoms. Just lie here.
Vincent comes to lay on chest.
Kin sent loves my love to wrest.
He ain't heavy he's my brother.
Be's quaint sending frees my bother.
If I had a lover here,
Would Vincent be brother dear?
Forced to sleep outside my room.
Worse, might keep outside heart's boon.
Maybe Soul sends loneliness.
Can be role rends only best?
Is alone the best thing now?
Does lone phone bring Quest's sing bow?
Is the tension of the absence,
His contention that with no miss
And no relationship bliss,
We can say what tension can't miss?
Tension's Contention
by Loveson G. Flower
9:00 AM, Wednesday, 10/8/97
home in bed
Seems my luck cheered gone instead.
Can't get atoms all in gear.
Dreaming phantoms. Just lie here.
Vincent comes to lay on chest.
Kin sent loves my love to wrest.
He ain't heavy he's my brother.
Be's quaint sending frees my bother.
If I had a lover here,
Would Vincent be brother dear?
Forced to sleep outside my room.
Worse, might keep outside heart's boon.
Maybe Soul sends loneliness.
Can be role rends only best?
Is alone the best thing now?
Does lone phone bring Quest's sing bow?
Is the tension of the absence,
His contention that with no miss
And no relationship bliss,
We can say what tension can't miss?
Tension's Contention
by Loveson G. Flower
9:00 AM, Wednesday, 10/8/97
home in bed
Saturday, October 4, 1997
Lost Smiles

Forced for a sane relationship
Was that he must have all his teeth
'Cause that she trusts meant much beneath.
Do I let my teeth fall out?
Is this but why my sky does shout?
Caring not to wholeness make,
Preparing rot my soul does shake?
Like the eating junk food then
Was like beating punk good when
He didn't do anything wrong.
All he wanted was to sing songs.
But no. Had to beat him up.
Had to bad make. Feet give up
And won't walk another mile.
Just don't talk and smother smile.
We can let the teeth fall out.
Get real ugly beneath pout.
So scary that no one's dear.
Goal's weary. Can't show my fear.
Lost Smiles
by Loveson G. Flower
2:30 AM 10/4/97
home in bed
Photo copied from google searching toothless.
Thursday, October 2, 1997
Sleeping Beauty's Frog Prince
Baby girl just went on by
Clutching world. Must almost cry,
As she hold's her baby doll
Walking gently to not fall.
Fairy tales for little ones
Merry swells pour bitter fun.
Do the stories sing our tune?
Hero's glories bring wisdom?
Sleeping Beauty lies asleep
Waiting, rooting Prince will weep
And come quickly to awake.
For Oneness, kiss my heart's sake.
And the Frog Prince also waits
For the Princess' kiss sake.
Hope she will then me transform,
And Prince become when I am born.
But what if Sleeping Beauty still
And Frog await each other futile?
Can neither become awake
Or transform and wholeness make?
Sleeping Beauty's Frog Prince
by Loveson G. Flower
Thursday, 11:30 AM 10/2/97
at Hobee's waiting for Pat
(Created for Allied Arts Halloween Sculpture of Sleepeing Beauty and Frog Prince)
Clutching world. Must almost cry,
As she hold's her baby doll
Walking gently to not fall.
Fairy tales for little ones
Merry swells pour bitter fun.
Do the stories sing our tune?
Hero's glories bring wisdom?
Sleeping Beauty lies asleep
Waiting, rooting Prince will weep
And come quickly to awake.
For Oneness, kiss my heart's sake.
And the Frog Prince also waits
For the Princess' kiss sake.
Hope she will then me transform,
And Prince become when I am born.
But what if Sleeping Beauty still
And Frog await each other futile?
Can neither become awake
Or transform and wholeness make?
Sleeping Beauty's Frog Prince
by Loveson G. Flower
Thursday, 11:30 AM 10/2/97
at Hobee's waiting for Pat
(Created for Allied Arts Halloween Sculpture of Sleepeing Beauty and Frog Prince)
Junk Food Dog

Waiting for my fast food fix;
Egg McMuffin, hash brown mix.
Certain to then calm me down.
Certainly a balm for clown.
It is so very unhealthy.
No matter now how real wealthy,
It will clog arteries good.
How come jog for silly food?
Guess I'm just a Junk Food Dog.
'Fess up to making punk log.
Making body very fat.
Shaking hard so we won't last.
Junk Food Dog
by Loveson G. Flower
Thursday, 10:30 AM, 10/2/97
Waiting in car at McDonalds
Cartoon by Tom Meyer / The Chronicle, 1997
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