Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In Defense of: Romeo & Juliet's Love

Dedicated to star-crossed and wounded lovers like Romeo & Juliet
and to their true Love. Whose families and cultures try to destroy
the revolution that the Union of their Spirits will mean. May your
Love be strong, timeless, and endure all the slings and arrows.  Our
future depends on such Love to help us All become as Loving as you.
In many ways and chapters, "Romeo & Juliet," has been the story of my life.

Prologue from "Romeo & Juliet"
by William Shakespeare
and published in a quarto version in 1597. 

In Defense of: Romeo & Juliet's Love
by Loveson G. Flower

So it's the last day of year.
Will it be a blast? New Year's cheer?
Or will it be boring,
No thrilled Loves adoring,
No wit to see past meet future?

It's only a date construction.
Is loneliness waiting what comes?
With little purpose
To give worth to fuss
So lonely man's fate is welcome?

I'm staying with my mother dear.
Who has delayed end. Why's not clear.
She's ninety-years-old.
Diseases unfold.
Yet she stays on this mortal sphere.

She has a sweet, loving demeanour.
She's complete in her belief's sure.
She believes in: Christ,
Christian Zionist,
Death's defeated by her "Rapture."

When I was young I fell in love
With those who sung strange songs unloved.
I was Romeo.
Whose Juliet's know
Opposed mine so our love we shoved.

I studied then all of my life
To understand what made "why's" strife,
The different beliefs
That turned love to grief
When children's love families did ice.

I found that most really don't care
About ghosts of beliefs shared.
The details don't matter
In heaven-hell chatter.
We'll shout we're totally God's there.

And everyone else goes to Hell.
A scary damnation we'll tell
To all the children
To wall all them in.
Don't marry a heathen loved child,

Or we will have to abandon.
Even kill to kill your Union.
With this sacrifice
Your bliss we must ice
To distill your love's infection.

This is how war's justified
Ignoring now how culture's lied.
To protect culture
They neglect future
Where truth sings and brings a new tide;
And Ocean's motion mixes lies.
So mix does fix and all hate dies.

Love of a Lifetime
The story of the eternal star crossed lovers, Romeo & Juliet,
as seen by the eyes of Annie Leibovitz and Vogue US.

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mariage de Stephanie et Patrick - 19 Octobre 2014

Photos de la Célébration de Mariage de Stephanie et Patrick - 19 Oct 2014

Un couple heureux
Les amoureux
Un couple beaux
Stephanie est belle
Elisabeth et John - les parents fiers de Stephanie et accueil du célébration

Musique de video - de la bande sonore du film et de l'album, "Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain," un film français réalisé par Jean-Pierre Jeunet et sorti en 2001:
(1) La Valse d'Amélie (Version Orchestre) - musique par Yann Tierson
(2) Les Jours Triste (Instrumental) - musique par Yann Tierson

Les photos prises par René et pauli avec les iPhone4 et iPhone4S, respectivement.

Friday, October 10, 2014

"God Only Knows" by BBC Music

The Beach Boys' masterpiece "God Only Knows" remade with the help 
of a few friends to celebrate the launch of BBC Music.  From BBC's youtube channel.

The Beach Boys' masterpiece "God Only Knows" (author: Brian Wilson) remade with the 
help of a few friends to celebrate the launch of BBC Music…see how they made it.

Who is in video? Find out here:
From:  and  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

perdu, séparé et isolé .... lost, separate and lonely

Collage by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cher Philibert, au revoir

Cher Philibert, au revoir
by Loveson G. Flower

A little dog with such big heart
Who loved so long that touch did start
And understand what real Love was.
Love's Wonderland was ours because

He always wagged his little tail,
And always begged for our love’s well.
So he could cuddle in our arms.
His loving snuggles were our charms

To keep away all but Love’s light.
His loving way did light the night.
He barked at ghosts to ask be gone
And sent by iPhone love to mom

Who was in Paris far away.
While Philibert dreamed of the day
That his most favourite human,
Martine, returned to give love's sum.

He sang a love song thru FaceTime
That rang such Love that still it shines
A memory so very bright
His Love we see still lights our night.

So thank you, Philibert, our boy.
We’ll miss you so and all your joy
You brought to everyone you met.
You taught us Love. We’ll not forget.

We love you, dear Philibert, au revoir

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate
Music: Tasmin Little/New World Philharmonic/Iain Sutherland-Schindler's List - Theme

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Where Do Our Dreams Go?

Where Do Our Dreams Go?

by Loveson G. Flower

So: Where do our dreams go?
And: Whence do they come?
Is there Source beaming “Whole”
 For blending’s become?

Dream characters wear faces
Of external seen;
Beam cared actors’ places
For internal being.

Inner psychodrama,
Dreams at night send
To heal psyche’s trauma
So we might blend.

But language of our dreams
We must somehow learn.
What seems strange that dream scenes
Are not how world turns.

Water can flow uphill.
People can fly.
What does dream know and feel?
Most of all: Why?

If my mother (or other) 
Shows up in my dreams,
It's my inner part's mother,
(or other) inner team.

My parts wear the faces,
Dream's shorthand language,
To show where're the places
For Understand's page.

Who is the DreamMaker?
Is it part of me?
Are dreams integrator
of split personality?

When we are newly born,
We’re "Whole" Unities.
Then with care’s absence we’ve torn
New personalities.

They come to help deal with
Traumas and abuse;
And become what we’ll give 
Back to stand the cruel blues.

If ALL dreams come for goals
Of Health and Wholeness,
Does Soul beam Wisdom’s know?
Understand’s confess?

To untangle the knots
Our younger selves tied,
New angles where we fought,
Our Songs where we cried.

So Inner family
Learns each others' Needs,
And Soul’s loved Unity
Returns "Whole" tree from seeds.

So: Where do our dreams go?
And: Whence do they come?
From Soul’s care and Wisdom’s know,
Love’s dance to become….

….Dreams go where Love runs
To find Wholeness sum.

1256 Tuesday, 19 August 2014
sur le TGV, Mullhouse - Marseille

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Light of Love - a Ballet of Love Becoming

"Light of Love - a Ballet of Love Becoming"
Starring Gabrielle and Friends
("Lumière d'Amour - un Ballet d'Amour de Devenir"
Gabrielle et Amis se tenant le premier rôles)
by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower
Created at Les Zeribas, Sanary sur Mer in 2004 and 2005
Published to friends and family in September, 2005

Light of Love Intro

Light of Love - a Ballet of Love Becoming

Gaia's Dream, the Dance of Wholeness

Team Love

Let Freedom Ring - 9/11 Tribute to Our Fallen Loved Ones

Love on Fire

Lumiere d'Amour

The Greatest Thing

"Light of Love" DVD Cover Art 2005

What does "Light of Love - a Ballet of Love Becoming" 
perhaps mean to the author(s), Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower?

For some of our evolving understanding, please visit:

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Wisdom from the Mouths of Babes - Sagesse des bouches des bébés

English - anglais 
"Luiz Antonio, a 3-year-old Brazilian child, found a good argument to not eat his gnocchis with octopus. The child asks many questions about the contents of his plate. When his mother says to him that the fish seller cut the octopus, Luiz realizes that the animal was killed. He says that one should take care of all animals rather than kill them. Luiz prefers to see animals living (standing upright) and happy. His mother is very moved by his adorable remarks and can't help but shed a small tear."
-- Taken & translated from: "I Love Youtube"

Original title: "Luiz Antonio - A argumentação para não comer polvo"

French - français
« Luiz Antonio, un enfant brésilien de 3 ans, a trouvé le bon argument pour ne pas manger ses gnocchis au poulpe. L'enfant se pose beaucoup de questions sur le contenu de son assiette. Quand sa mère lui dit que le poissonnier a découpé le poulpe, il réalise que l'animal a été tué. Il dit qu'on devrait s'occuper des animaux plutôt que de les tuer. Il préfère voir les animaux en vie (debout) et heureux. Sa maman est très émue par ses propos et va verser une petite larme. »
-- Pris de : "I Love Youtube"

Titre original : « Luiz Antonio - A argumentação para não comer polvo »

Sous-titres traduits en français - Publié le 12 juin 2013 par "PereToru"

Cet enfant réalise que des animaux sont tués pour être cuisinés et décide de devenir végétarien, ce qui émeut sa mère aux larmes. (Pour avoir les sous-titres en français, pensez à actionner le bouton rectangulaire, en bas à droite de l'image, à côté de l'engrenage)

Merci infiniment à mon chère Ami et Muse 
de partager ce vidéo et de toute l'inspiration! 
Thank you very much to my dear Friend and Muse
for sharing this video and for all the inspiration!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quand l'Amour est Arrivé - When Love Began

Quand l'Amour est Arrivé - When Love Began
Créé chez nous 2 Mai, 2014 - Created at home May 2, 2014

Quand l'Amour est Arrivé - When Love Began
Créé chez nous 2 Mai, 2014 - Created at Les Zeribas May 2, 2014

When Love Arrived Chez Nous - Spring 2014 
Créé chez nous 4 Juin, 2014 - Created at Les Zeribas June 4, 2014

Voyages d'amour - Love Voyages
Créé chez nous 18 Juin, 2014 - Created at Les Zeribas June 18, 2014

Juliette - 2014
Créé chez nous 6 Juillet, 2014 - Created at Les Zeribas July 6, 2014

Catherine - 2014
Créé chez nous 10 Juillet, 2014 - Created at Les Zeribas July 10, 2014

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate