Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Where Do Our Dreams Go?

Where Do Our Dreams Go?

by Loveson G. Flower

So: Where do our dreams go?
And: Whence do they come?
Is there Source beaming “Whole”
 For blending’s become?

Dream characters wear faces
Of external seen;
Beam cared actors’ places
For internal being.

Inner psychodrama,
Dreams at night send
To heal psyche’s trauma
So we might blend.

But language of our dreams
We must somehow learn.
What seems strange that dream scenes
Are not how world turns.

Water can flow uphill.
People can fly.
What does dream know and feel?
Most of all: Why?

If my mother (or other) 
Shows up in my dreams,
It's my inner part's mother,
(or other) inner team.

My parts wear the faces,
Dream's shorthand language,
To show where're the places
For Understand's page.

Who is the DreamMaker?
Is it part of me?
Are dreams integrator
of split personality?

When we are newly born,
We’re "Whole" Unities.
Then with care’s absence we’ve torn
New personalities.

They come to help deal with
Traumas and abuse;
And become what we’ll give 
Back to stand the cruel blues.

If ALL dreams come for goals
Of Health and Wholeness,
Does Soul beam Wisdom’s know?
Understand’s confess?

To untangle the knots
Our younger selves tied,
New angles where we fought,
Our Songs where we cried.

So Inner family
Learns each others' Needs,
And Soul’s loved Unity
Returns "Whole" tree from seeds.

So: Where do our dreams go?
And: Whence do they come?
From Soul’s care and Wisdom’s know,
Love’s dance to become….

….Dreams go where Love runs
To find Wholeness sum.

1256 Tuesday, 19 August 2014
sur le TGV, Mullhouse - Marseille

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower (a Nom de “Bloom”)
is an anonymous author & artist whose:

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: 
Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. 
So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. 

Life Purpose: 
Help free Spirits of fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others
& me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. 

Life Plan: 
All is Welcome. Follow Light & Love.
Be a Team. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.