If I would fall in love,
Would the sky be enough?
Would all the moon and stars
Bring Paul's sufficient care?
If living is an action,
What gift is my reaction?
To the darkness there
When too little care;
My hurt kids inside,
Too burnt to ever cry,
To feel all the pain,
Still realing from shame;
Do somehow object
To love's foul subjects.
Pointing out the flaws
Of new loves because
They are broken too.
Like awoken fool
Who now understands
The cruel unloved lands
That we all came from
When we sought the Sun.
But we found shadow;
Not abundance shown
Of the Light of Love
With night's darkness stuff.
Our trees were twisted
From being's blister.
And our shadow kids,
Even though they're hid,
Come on out to play
In own cruel, cute way.
When they see new threat
Like when were begot,
When they were then born
From our fear, forlorn.
What do we try to say?
Please Spirit cry today
And explain our Truth
Of Love's rain pursuit.
Is it still possible
To now feel lovable?
To then become as One
With friend, loved someone?
Do we've enough courage
To be love past the rage;
And hold on real tight
Through cold, killing fright?
Which brings the kids out.
Them singing with shouts,
Their songs of dispair
Of wrongs when love dared.
They feel like before,
Before killed in wars.
When became a corpse,
Shamed beyond remorse.
How can we all say yes?
Inner family of Paul bless
A new love affair,
And let in love there?
If we let all speak,
Won't ugly ones tweak
And destroy the hope
Of boy by being dope?
Please love's inspiration,
Don't tease by your Vision;
And not stay to make
A clear way to say
What the Light could be
If our Sight could See.
That the Love could grow
Enough to then know
That a man and wife
Understanding might
Really become Whole;
Feeling Loving's know.
And the practical
Differences shall
Soon be washed away
If we attach ways.
If would become Team
Which would let being
Have a greater goal
Than individual,
With Life lived as One,
A Wife and Husband,
No longer then two
Discordant songs fool;
With Love's resonance
and Love's loving dance;
Love's Music to hear;
Love's beauty to cheer.
To inspire more
The desire for
A world wonderful.
Where her Wonder's full.
Where she's so happy;
There's no need to be
Depressed from the pain
Of childhood's cruel shame.
Time to go and say
I'm whole enough today,
And I deserve to Love
Unreserved enough.
That bonfire burns
And inspire churns
Past the past darkness
To at last Love's bless.
Pulled by Love's witness,
Held each child confessed,
With no wild child's death.
Whole inner family's blessed.
Life Lived as One
by Loveson G. Flower
11:00 Sunday, 6 January 2008
Home in Artiller before lunch with Anne.
Starry Night painting by Vincent Van Gogh.

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