By Howard Katz
The time has come; it is our fate
To welcome in 2008.
This is the year, below I prove,
When gold mine stocks do make their move.
2005, year-end got hot.
Gold mining stocks moved up a lot.
And gold investors got their kicks
In first 4 months, 2006.
2007, things got warm.
A giant triangle did form.
On Labor Day, this is no joke,
Then out that triangle it broke.
As New Year's holiday comes neigh,
We find that gold is very high.
To tell you this it does behoove,
Gold mining stocks will make their move.
Cause word is out around the town.
The U.S. dollar's going down.
Just like the bad old days of yore,
Bernanke makes the people poor.
Important message of this poem:
You can't afford to own your home
Unless you're taking action bold
And buying mining stocks of gold.
By Howard Katz
December, 2007
This poem by Mr. Katz is presented because we believe it artfully tells important truths of our economic state and future that are beyond my ability to express. -- LG Flower

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