My little puppy, Maggie dear,
Can't seem to leave. She does stay here.
She doesn't die, although she's old.
I wonder why? She love's me so.
Is it because, she needs to see
That her loved Paul OK will be?
She must hold on to help him know
His love is strong, then she can go?
It makes me cry, this fantasy.
After she dies when I'm missing;
Have then I learned the Truth of Love,
Or be so burned no Truth's enough?
To lose someone who's so loyal,
Whose loving sum's beyond royal;
Does seem a cross I cannot bear;
A bitter loss nothing repairs.
Unless somehow I find within,
Her love is now my shining kin.
I become her to never lose -
Blended we are. No love refuse.
And I can then go on with life
Without my friend, through every strife;
Because she's here. She'll never leave.
Inside my tears. Inside my grief.
Inside my efforts to be whole.
I'll cry. I'll comfort those I know.
I'll be my Maggie every day.
My tail I'm wagging to then say:
You're worthy. Yes, really you are.
You're worth I'm feeling. You're a star.
You can shine bright like the Sun.
You are kind. My friend, become.
Become whatever your Spirit shows.
Become creator. Let it go.
Become the Love seen through my eyes.
Then I can run through heaven's skies.
I'll run and play with Jessie then.
We'll wait for day when you come friend.
But don't forget to live and love.
Please don't regret what life does shove.
We've had so much time together.
Grieving's sad touch, stormy weather;
Will pass away. The Spring will be
And you can play and be happy.
And I can rest forever more.
It's for the best. Let Spirits soar;
And fly away to memory.
All Life's someway ephemory.
It cannot last. We can't hold on.
With tears and laughs we must be strong.
And hold the little ones who hurt then.
Who're cold and bitter, feel deserted.
It's Love that really never dies.
Our bodies plastic are love's ties.
They last awhile like forest leafs
But then like smiles they have to leave.
Please let me go. Please find a way
To become Whole, to shine, to say;
To write our Love, for all to know.
Our Light of Love, Maggie-Paul showed.
It hasn't died. It's not over
Though I do lie in field clover.
It will exist forever more.
Please feel my kiss, my Love adored.
You will find bliss past Love's horror.
Please feel Mind-Body-Heart Love more.

Becoming Maggie
by Loveson G. Flower
3:00 PM Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Home in Artillier with Maggie at my side.
Photos taken at Chez René et Artlett and at Les Zeribas, Spring 2007

Traduction Anglais-Français fait automatiquement avec aide des outils linguistic de Google. Pour voir la traduction plus grande, cliquez sur le page blanc.
Translation English-French automatically made with help from linguistic tools of Google. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.
Music: Wilhelm Richard Wagner's "Tannhauser" - Begluckt Darf Nun Dich (Pilgrims' Chorus) = Johannes Wildner; Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Bratislava - A To Z Of Opera [Disc 2]