Friday, September 15, 2023

Karma’s a bitch!

“Parent” feeding huge baby Cuckoo bird

Karma’s a bitch!

I‘ve an ex-dear friend who’s                         (I believe…)

   A Fool like the Cuckoo bird.

Which tries to send its eggs cruel              (To deceive…)

   Like refused, discarded turd.

Instead of building nest 

    To help Life’s loving’s quest

And grow with parents’ best,

    It gives them stranger’s nest!

Then parents only fly away

   From babies sent alone on way.

Their new “parents” must feed and care.

   What’re their fate? They’re unaware.

Needy new “babies” will grow real fast.

   Cruelly real chicks killed, shoved from nest

To die on ground before fair chance

    For life’s bounty, their unseen dance.

Is there a sadder image made

   Of care detoured, of love that’s “played,”

When littler parents work and slave

   Not bitter there (their, they’re) sent life that way?

To murdered offsprings’ murderers?

   Whose world was oft from nest when hurled?

Dark, clever strategy might win

   If Care’s endeavors won’t fight Sin.

Or one-day all the forest’s full

   Of one species’ nests so CooKoo.

Can still they thrive, and reproduce

   When killed by lies? Most hosts reduced?

When parasites kill their hosts cruel 

   Can there be rights of wronged ghosts who’ll

Find a way back from extinction?

   Finally attack some weak link shown?

Cuckoo birds lay their eggs
in other bird species’ nests

So Karma becomes sure Notion

   Like Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:

See each and every action there

   Beseeched equals reaction shared.

What goes around, comes around too.

   Now “Do unto others…” is Golden Rule.

While: “Do as thou wilt” is Evil’s way.

    Defiled Cruelties will heal someway.

When Service-to-Self parasites

    Can’t find bliss from Love’s caring Light. 

And Service-to-Others’ strategies

   Then return Love’s warm synergies.

Symbiosis prove’s the best way. 

   When loving hosts aren’t toasted, “played.”

“Do unto others as for yourself.”

   Knew: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

“Do no harm…” is Christian way.

   So Soul moves arm with Christ’s Love sway.

It’s better millstone’s tied to neck 

   In wet sea-depths than child be wrecked.

And all Conmen with clever tongues  (“Confidence” women too!)

   Who misuse smarts (hearts, parts) one day’ll be hung.

They’ll be “hoisted with their own petard.”

   Shakespeare’s Macbeth shown lesson hard:

   “Karma’s a bitch!”  …for those that harm!

    Life Lessons: Switch. Cruelties disarm.

    Discover: “Service-to-Others” charm!

    Become: Deserving. Loving. Warmth.

    Genius’ best aim: Serve Love unarmed

Karma’s a bitch!

by Loveson G. Flower

15 September 2023

Symbiosis Definition, Synonyms