Sunday, May 17, 2015

Truth's Love

truth's loves for Truth's Love

Truth's Love

So finally this book is full.
Am I really like book full too?
Or are there other books to write?
Other lovers? Other insights?

Other chapters yet to explore?
Love to master? and to live for?
How can all of the threads become
Wisdom so Paul's Love becomes Sum?

The Sum of every experience:
The fun; the scared-me wary dance;
The times when seemed disintegrate
When rhymes beamed didn't stem the hate;

The Sum of all the learning learned
To come to One past burning burned;
To make real Sense from grand total
Not forsake Soul and steal man's Whole.

For this way is not popular.
No bliss plays like lotto's win card
That seems to solve all in instant.
All screams absolved, then Paul's fall can't

Be understood while bliss does run.
The wonder would now Wisdom shun
Unless we somehow integrate
Summer's blessings with Winter's fate.

The heat, the cold, the warmth, the chill,
Defeat, the woe from life then killed;
All balanced with new Life's kind eyes;
Yin-Yang dance both foolish, wise.

What is the same throughout the years?
Through blame and shame, cruel shouts and tears?
Through blessed loving feelings felt
When confessed Love made defense melt.

When growth and growing made advance.
Unknowing's Going gave the chance
To allow other's wisdom heard.
So shallow, smothered Wisdom feared

Can finally Let Go and change.
Man can be free and rearrange
His folly's and his prejudice
So pauli's wisdom is his bliss.

And he can forgive arrows in back.
For Wisdom gives and shows attack
Are really as much about the bow
That's feeling touched so shoots arrow.

The bow and arrow are a team.
They show their sorrow defending.
So they must send their arrows here (hear?)
To stay (slay?) they bend care's bow from fear.

The arrows are but evidence
That sorrows care for Wisdom's dance.
For Truth passes through 3 stages: 
First, laughter, ridicule rages,

And next comes active counter-strife
When vexed hears Wisdom threatens life.
When assumptions would have to change
So Wisdom's dumped in love deranged.

But finally Truth is evident.
Love finds a way for Wisdom sent.
And those who really seek Truth's Love
Then know the feeling humble shoved.
That grow our healing loved Wisdom
And holds those healing to Love become.

"Truth's Love" by Loveson G. Flower
May 17th 2015, at Starbuck's in Rewood City, CA
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