Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
YouTube smiles! by Daniel Gardner
Uploaded by DanielGardner on Oct 20, 2008
Send this to anyone who needs a smile.
Music: "Sunray Smile" recorded by Amber Van Vleet (used with permission)
Download the song for free here:
Distributed by TubeMogul.com
Daniel uploaded the "Show your Smile" video 11 months ago, and over 280 YouTubers have made video replies since then. That's over 280 different smiles. This video is a compilation of 100 of those smiles and if it doesn't make you smile...see a doctor. :) Special thanks to the 280 youtubers who were brave enough to share their smiles.
What a difference a sunray can make
in a world that's tired of the rain.
What a difference a smile can make
in a heart that's filled with pain.
(She had a) Sunray smile
Fairer then the spring or a rainbow
Sunray smile
Come to melt away the snow
The darkness of a shadow always flees
where ever a sunray is found
The darkness in a heart always leaves
when the glow of that smile is around
(She had a)
Sunray smile
Fairer then the spring or a rainbow
Sunray smile
Come to melt away all the snow.
In my heart today.
[Guitar chords: C G Am F G C (G) ]
____ (Traduction anglais-français ci-dessous par Google Translate)