Oh, Ben Bernanke does not care,
Creating money out of air.
Why just last week he said, “Aw shucks,
I think I’ll print a trillion bucks.”
That’s trillion, sir, spelled with a T.
And speaking just twixt you and me
That is an awful lot of dough.
And I can say, “I told you so.”
The Chinese minister named Wen
Said, “oh-oh here we go again.
I’m nervous, and I start to fret
Cause U.S. will not pay its debt.”
And dollar index hits a peak,
Falls 5% in just one week.
Of happiness it was not full
If you became a dollar bull.
I told you so; I’m very brash.
I told you all that cash is trash.
I’m telling all, both young and old.
To call your broker; buy some gold.
Yes, buy your gold; it’s going up.
You’ll be as happy as a pup.
It’s not too late for I do know
It’s got a long, long way to go.
by Howard Katz, The One-Handed Economist
from: www.thegoldbug.net
March 25, 2009

This poem by Mr. Katz is presented because we believe it artfully tells important truths of our economic state and future that are beyond our ability to express. -- LG Flower
Great recent articles about gold:
1. "Explosion" - by Howard Katz Mar 23 2009 http://www.kitco.com/ind/katz/mar232009.html
2. "Gold in Hyper-Drive" - By David Nichols Mar 25 2000 http://www.kitco.com/ind/nichols/mar252009.html
3. "New Gold Upleg" - By Adam Hamilton Mar 20 2009 http://www.kitco.com/ind/hamilton/mar202009.html