"Bummer" sculpture from friend, Rob Browne,
Does sum up love lost with sad frown;
With heart fallen, so far away.
No art Paul sends can really say
The magnitude of the loss,
Or then rescue love that's tossed
Overboard like something dead.
Lovers' warts do sing instead
Of kind, gentile messages;
To shine their blessings confessed
Of all that you mean to me,
Although only meaness see.
I know you are more than that.
I hold dear our loving Pat.
Who seems to want to let me go;
Never beam light here so we grow.
But enough light was sent before
This cruel love fight, this silent war;
That the flame will never die,
Though the blame and shame is high;
Though I must live without friend
If her trust's really at end;
If coldness is all she sends;
I'll remember what was then,
And 'till death our love defend.
Loveson G. Flower
31 March 2009
Ollioules, France
"Bummer" sculpture by Robley D. Browne
Marble countertop by Jeff Look
Photos and Collage Portrait by Loveson G. Flower

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