Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Fleurs et Vivaldi
Flowers: from http://wp.li.ru/flowers/
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi
Music: Concerto For Oboe & Violin In B Flat, RV548-2.Largo
Artists: David Reichenberg, Simon Standage;
Trevor Pinnock: English Concert
Album: Antonio Vivaldi = Le Quattro Stagioni
Diaporama: Loveson G. Flower
Many thanks to Google's youtube.com and blogger.com for hosting our videos and Heart Songs!
Merci beaucoup à youtube.com et à blogger.com de Google d'accueillir nos vidéos et Chansons de Coeur !