She is gone. She's sleeping now.
It's so wrong but right somehow.
No more suffering the arrows of age.
No more wondering when death steals loved Sage.
I'm too numb to really, really feel my pain,
And too dumb to not feel her killing again.
Had to make decision to put out of misery.
Had to be awake to stop her failed, falling body.
Now she's also sleeping next to her loved friend, Jessie.
For me, I'm weeping for my loves lost and their blessing.
It's too big to really grasp enormity of all.
I must dig to feel at last feelings that sleep in Paul.
Like her grave I dug to join my loves eternally,
I must save my love enough to stay in love with me.
Try to see myself through the kind eyes of Maggie dear,
Then to be the self whose kind that Maggie loved to hear.
When then can we pass through Hell and find some love to cheer?
Be a friend like Maggie who held Love's Wisdom so clear.
Missing Maggie
by Loveson G. Flower
5:10 PM Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Les Zeribas
Music's title and musicians unknown.
The 40 or so photos and their order were magically chosen from many hundreds of photos of Maggie by the random selection of the screen saver, as I could certainly not in my grief bear to choose artistically or otherwise which photos and when or how to use them. Surprisingly, so many photos chosen were with her furry friends and only two with not-so-furry (human) friends. For me, the result was a miracle as it so well described beloved Maggie and her loving nature, her beautiful Spirit and all her dear relationships. I miss her so.
This video directly brought our new puppy, Daisy, into our lives as her rescuer, Linda, saw and was touched by "Missing Maggie" and our story when we met on the TGV train. Linda gently convinced us to take Daisy even as we thought it was far too soon only 3 weeks after Maggie's death.

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Translation English-French automatically made with help from linguistic tools of Google. To see the translation larger, click on the white page.