I am tired of the songs
But to retire love seems wrong.
They’re a bare life minimum
Where my care might come to sing.
Most the time it’s bottled up
‘Cept when rhymes let throttle pop.
Take the lead foot off the brake
Make the dead aliveness sake.
For the puzzles at line’s end
Takes the muzzle off life’s friend.
When I’m not looking at all
The rhymes cook some love from Paul.
Now I feel tears behind eyes.
Wonder why tears hide replies.
What’s your message from the heart?
Let our passage come, impart.
(Written left handed from inner child, Paulie)
I think we are really sad
Like when old age killed our dad.
Death brought life in clear focus
Guess we’re caught by tears’ dear guest.
Come on guest, are you our friend?
On our quest must we defend?
Can’t we live, somehow be free?
Seems “To be or not to be”
Is the question after all
Depression or laughter calls.
Make a choice of life or death.
Stifle Love’s voice stifles breath.
Follow breath to follow life.
Allow death of shallow wife.
Letting go the winter’s hate
Lets our Soul know better fate.
Don’t forget by ignoring,
But forgive by imploring.
Tears emotions want to say:
Love's ocean please wash away.
“To Be or Not to Be”
12:00 PM, 1/28/99
by Loveson G. Flower
at Stacks, Redwood City
Photo from Top 500 Photos on the Net