Sunday, June 13, 1999

Twins Opposite Paths

Dedicated to my older sister; to my inner, feminine children; little Alice and not-so-little Gabrielle; and to all lovers and seekers of missing and wounded parts.

Once upon a time, in Love’s land of rhymes,
A lovely, fair Princess; was loved by Brother Prince.
Her hair was fire red, and caring heart she had.
Her deep, weep emotions; were deeper than oceans.

When he was very young, seeing her caring song;
The Prince thought that he had, a broken heart too bad.
For he could never feel, like she would cry so real.
He lived within his thoughts. His giving came to naught.

In every argument, scary emotions she sent.
But his thought would always win. “This ought to be a sin.”
The Princess would be shamed, and wince from Prince’s blame.
No matter how she cried, their laughter bowed and died.

Then she started to hate, her little brother’s fate;
And all the accolades, he won with waring’s blades.
His Mind like a scalpel, could find striking so well.
He practiced every day, to activate war’s way.

The Kingdom was afire, with Dragon’s war inspire
Attacked without and in, from warfare’s shouting sin.
The Brother and Sister, saw their loving blister.
And so they split apart; he to Mind, she to Heart.

The Prince rode off to war, while Princess home she swore.
He traveled everywhere. She reveled in home’s care.
He studied Man’s knowledge, not ready to acknowledge
That he was homesick, for Princess and home’s lack.

The Princess built the walls, of the castle so tall
With a moat so wide, an ocean fit inside.
The drawbridge was real strong, to abridge scary wrongs
And would be pulled real fast, before he could go past.

On coming back from war, homecoming was horror.
Brother Prince’s welcome, was Sister Princess shun.
He only saw the walls, and loneliness so tall.
The moat with ocean full, smote Prince emotions cruel.

His anger was intense, for danger love convinced
The Prince he was to blame, and so he was ashamed.
“What have I done to her, to deserve shun and hurt?
Is it because my heart, as child could never start?"

So Prince rode off again, still wincing from the shame.
But swore that he would learn, why drawbridge door did burn.
He would find a way, for this Dragon to slay.
He’d search both near and far, research the fear and stars.

Often he found despair, confounded hounded cares.
He realized his armor, did steal his love’s amour.
But everything he’d learned in waring’s fighting churn,
Demanded armor’s suit, for man’s horror pursuit.

He’d practiced Learning’s way, with active discern sway.
He’d explored subjects wide, but not explored inside.
“What’s under this armor? My wonder comes to fore.
Perhaps I shall undress, and allow foul’s confess.”

With trepidation then, for predators in glen
He took his armor off, and shook if harm would off.
But pretty soon he found, no predators around;
And looking in mirror, his humanness was clear.

He left the glory road, bereft war’s gore he’d known
To plant a garden there, and chant a gardener’s care.
His hands were in soil, understanding Love’s toil
Somehow was changing him, allowing’s caring came.

The garden’s Sunflowers, toward the Sun they’d turn
As if to See the Light, and worship the Light’s sight.
The birds would visit there, chirping exquisite care
To eat the flowers seeds; for sweet, baby birds needs.

Prince found some children who, winsome needed a school
To learn of Nature’s way, yearning natural play.
He spent one day a week, playing hide and go seek
And other childhood games, with loving children’s names.

He thought he was teaching, but caught himself reaching
To learn their happiness, and discern children’s bless.
Their Spirits were alive. He’d heard their words and lives
Hadn’t yet then been stilled, hadn’t their Spirits killed.

“Why are adults so lost, their adultness such cost?
As they’ve lost how to laugh, not allowing laugh’s quest.”
And Prince thought of Princess, and of loving’s duress
And wondered if their split, so plundered child’s care quit.

So for many years, Prince studied child care’s tears.
He learned of their stories, children’s cares and worries.
He cried at all their pain, where dying’s appall shame
Came to split them apart. Shame’s fit made quitting start.

He saw most everyone, had fallen very shunned;
And somehow split apart, cowing wisdom’s heart part.
“How can we now be whole, not split allow / control?,”
The Prince asked everyday, convinced whole’s task was way.

Meanwhile back at castle, Sister attacked hassle.
She defended her nest, upended in her quest.
For castle had burned down! In one bad turn too foul,
A Dragon had set fire, to castle’s walls and spire.

Castle represented, all Princess’ resentment
That worldly Mind and war, could bind her with horror.
If she kept up the walls, and slept not learn befall
She could pretend somehow, no World would she allow.

“I’ll wipe it off the map, the World I saw attack
Like my little brother, who strikes bitter love here.
The walls and mote protect, from falls emotes reflect
And like Rip Van Winkle, I’ll strike Learning to think.

By staying long asleep, delaying in his keep
The understanding of; beyond my family’s love."
Until there came the day, when killing’s fire played
And burned away the shield of world’s way past love’s feel.

She sent a call for help, to bended brother’s hell:
Could he perhaps help mend, and be perhaps a friend?
For he’d offered to her, past bleedings often stirred,
Some resources assist, from the Source to his Sis.

But before he did send, resources to help mend,
A dragon struck him down, dragging his luck around.
The dragon stole his eye, his lagging whole asked: “Why?
Was eye left feminine, to try cleft masculine?”

Amazingly that day, his sister didn’t stay
At home in burned castle, but showed at hospital.
She came like as a child, before shame child’s love cowed,
To show him her concern, to know his dragon’s burns.

The Brother and the Sis, saw all the love they’d missed
And how the dragons came, to burn their love with blame.
Investing out and in, was not best or a sin.
They reflected one part, neglecting mind or heart.

He could appreciate, sister’s earlier hate
By learning sister’s way, by discerning love’s way.
And sister saw mom’s son, there blistered from dragon
Could warm her heart a bit, which deformed heart had quit.

She offered him a hand, and he the understand,
That really they were twins, opposite paths to win.
He went out to find, bountiful know with mind;
And she stayed home for heart, to welcome loving’s hearth.

Twins Opposite Paths
by Loveson G. Flower
Sunday, 11:30 AM, June 13, 1999
at Denny’s, Palo Alto
Photoa Portrait "Sisters" by Loveson G. Flower

Wednesday, June 2, 1999

Blinded Parts of Mind and Heart

Dedicated to my younger brother; to two of my inner children, Little Paulie and Big Paulie; and to all lovers and seekers of missing and wounded parts.

Once upon a time, in Love’s land of rhymes,
There lived a Caring Prince, whose care was very rich.
His Big Brother, his friend, would always Bro defend,
And slay the dragons fierce, when they Little Prince pierced.

The Big Prince was Hero, for Little Prince’s Soul.
Handsome, smart and strong; he rode far to right wrongs.
For damsels in distress, would yell: “Please help!” to Prince;
And oft he’d ride to win, hand fought the Black Knight’s sin.

But sometimes in the mirror, when rhyming times were clearer;
The armor that he saw, was darker black’s appall.
“How could it be that I, am cowed by Seeing’s eye?
The armor that I wear, does harm my war for care.”

So Big Prince rode back home, for war’s attacking Son;
Had to consult with Bro, with little caring Soul.
Little Bro’d waited there, at home with hated care.
Emotional he was. Devotional because

He missed their connection, and bliss from reflection
When Big Brother and Small, had hugged and loved so tall.
On shoulders Bro had rode, protected from all foes;
Until there came the day, those shoulders rode away.

The Little Prince became, convinced of bitter shame.
Because from Big Brother, he saw little love there.
Prince waited for the day, with baited breath to play
With Big Brother, Hero; like before Love did go.

He always lit a Light, to light fright’s scary night;
And honor Hero’s name, to help his war with shame.
For many, many years; in darkest, darkness tears;
In scary, scary fright; Little Prince lit the Light.

For he refused to die, from abuse or the lies.
He kept his little Light, and wept from bitter fright.
Until he thought one day, perhaps he ought to say:
“I think it’s time to leave, this shrinking from Believe.

I’ll ride out from the dark, this hiding Son who’s parked,
And find my shining Prince, whose mind I pined and missed.”
And so he crept along. His small, scared Soul kept strong
From all the dangers in, the Law of Anger’s sin.

His little caring Soul, was not prepared to Know.
And so he made mistakes, when judgement’s blade did take.
He fought the best he could, but not confess he should
Then learn to learn so that, he could burn Love’s attack.

Meanwhile in the castle, back now from war’s hassle
The Big Prince had returned, and found the candles burned.
He was overwhelmed, by all the Love he’d shelved
In fighting damsel wars, in righting man’s horrors.

And what was even worse, as if Magician’s Curse
Could slay, he found that home; that day sounded like tomb.
For Little Bro was gone! His little Soul and song
Had vanished in thin air. Sad banished was his care.

So Big Brother fell down, for his loved Bro's lost sound
Was no-where to be heard. No caring shared or stirred.
He started then to cry, his heart broken replies
To all those candles’ lights, to all those darkest nights.

His cries were so intense, Mind and Soul of Big Prince
Could see he had a Heart, like Little Prince’s part.
And so he found a way, from loneliness to slay
The dragon that had cowed, and burned way to Allow.

Although he was a Knight, whose Soul controlled the fright;
He felt his feelings clear, melted by bitter tears.
He overcame his shame, and Love became his name.
He lit some candles too, like Little Bro he slew.

Out in the forest there, was Little Prince who cared.
Coming upon crossroads; accost by choice, he slowed.
“Whatever will I do?” said little, loving fool.
“I must make a judgement, and trust in fate that’s sent.”

He saw that making choice, from claws and quaking voice
Of lions and the bears, for Why’s beyond the care;
Could life and limb preserve, should strife blind undeserved.
Right then he realized why, Big Prince had knowledge high.

Big Prince’s learning efforts, weren’t to burn and desert.
He hadn’t abandoned, care’s Little Prince to shun.
So Little Bro realized, his caring Soul chastised,
That he must struggle too, not just be Snuggling Fool.

Then Little Prince got smart; when since, beyond just heart;
He learned which way to go. Discernment saying so.
He learned to tell the signs, of burning Hell’s designs;
And could see difference, ‘tween Light and dragon’s breath.

One day upon a hill, he played with his new skill.
Looking there far away, he shook from caring’s way.
For at horizon’s shore, at castle’s blazing door;
The largest candle’s Light, stood stark in fellow’s sight.

The candle was so great, Light handled his Soul’s hate.
He knew right off the bat, and flew from fright’s attack.
He ran home breathlessly. The Light so luminous seen;
It guided him along, confiding Light’s love song.

Which welled up deep inside, and yelled Love’s weeping cry.
Love that he thought was lost, was not! He wasn’t tossed!
Big Brother was at home, with Love the Light had shown!
“I’m coming Brother, friend; my lover who defends!”

His shout rang through the hills. Echoes rang too until
Big Brother heard their sound. His love stirred ‘till the ground
Rushed up to meet his knees; with crushed, defeated grieves;
His prayers had then been heard, as funeral pyre burned.

After not very long, laughter and every song
Rang through the kingdom wide; sang knowing, caring’s cry.
The brothers danced around, loving Love’s sacred ground.
They held each hand in hand. Melded they understand

That each had to become, what impeached other shunned.
The Hero now had Heart, a caring lad’s love part.
And Caring Prince also, could share convincing’s goal.
He found that he could find, bountiful life with Mind.

They needn’t split apart,
And bleed lost Mind or Heart.
But could become one whole.
Love’s food coming from Soul.

Blinded Parts of Mind & Heart
by Loveson G. Flower
Wednesday, 12:30 PM, June 2, 1999
at Hobbies, Palo Alto
Photos of Rob Browne's sculptures, "Brothers" and "Bummer," by Loveson G. Flower

Thursday, January 28, 1999

“To Be or Not to Be”

I am tired of the songs
But to retire love seems wrong.
They’re a bare life minimum
Where my care might come to sing.

Most the time it’s bottled up
‘Cept when rhymes let throttle pop.
Take the lead foot off the brake
Make the dead aliveness sake.

For the puzzles at line’s end
Takes the muzzle off life’s friend.
When I’m not looking at all
The rhymes cook some love from Paul.

Now I feel tears behind eyes.
Wonder why tears hide replies.
What’s your message from the heart?
Let our passage come, impart.

(Written left handed from inner child, Paulie)

I think we are really sad
Like when old age killed our dad.
Death brought life in clear focus
Guess we’re caught by tears’ dear guest.

Come on guest, are you our friend?
On our quest must we defend?
Can’t we live, somehow be free?
Seems “To be or not to be”

Is the question after all
Depression or laughter calls.
Make a choice of life or death.
Stifle Love’s voice stifles breath.

Follow breath to follow life.
Allow death of shallow wife.
Letting go the winter’s hate
Lets our Soul know better fate.

Don’t forget by ignoring,
But forgive by imploring.
Tears emotions want to say:
Love's ocean please wash away.

“To Be or Not to Be”
12:00 PM, 1/28/99
by Loveson G. Flower
at Stacks, Redwood City
Photo from Top 500 Photos on the Net