Saturday, January 31, 1998

Love's Unbroken Cord

I told her I was scared,
From what now is the question.
Could it be I'm unprepared
For love's success dimension?

For if it goes wrong somehow,
The reason doesn't matter;
Familiar shame song sung bows,
Blames seasonal lost chatter.

I know that lost and lonely tune.
Know it well by heart.
The cold blast cost "if only" swoon
Coldly sell heart's part.

"See, I told you. Here we go.
Broken heart again."
Bleed, sigh, cold stew, fear takes hold.
Choke heart's start refrain.

That is normal. That I know.
That is broken record.
What's horrible and scares me so:
Love's unbroken cord.

Love's Unbroken Cord
by Loveson G. Flower
1:25 PM 1/31/98
at Coffee shop, Pruneyard, Campbell