Need to now get going. Need to shine his shoes.
Need to stop my blowing holes by my lame excuse.
Today is his wedding. Today is the day.
Some way kiss the heading: "Bob Married Cathy!"
For they are cute lovers. They're matched perfectly.
And when under covers they'll make cute babies.
Bob calls her his Lucy, cause she's a crack-up there.
And I'm sure that we'll see a day of loving care.
The wedding's in the backyard, of Bob's mommy dear
Where the event of love care will bring many tears.
Wonder celebration, of friends and family.
Wonderful elation now that she has married he.
They have come from afar, near and distant lands
All to witness love more while we hear and understand.
Joining their two families. Joining all their friends.
Enjoying that we will see and their love we'll defend.
So Cathy and Bobby; perfect husband, wife;
Here's to little sobbing and here's to little strife.
Hope your lives together, may be like a dove
Flying in warm weather loving flying high above.
Seeing all you can see. Feeling all the love.
Being warmest family who always saw love's shove.
Remember this our blessing, that we are so blessed too.
Remember our confessing that we here love you true.
"Bob Married Cathy!"
by Loveson G. Flower
8:45 AM Saturday, 6/13/98
Days Inn, Studio City
(Written to read for toasting as best men at Bob's and Cathy's wedding)

Dream-Awake Spiritual Practice: Keep the Mind to the rhyme. Let the Heart do its part. So beyond either mode, the Soul shows the road. Life Purpose: Help free Spirits of my fellow creatures & myself. See Beauty, others & me. Reduce suffering. Help bring Light to Shadow & vice-versa. Life plan: All’s welcome. Follow Light & Love. Be a team. Pay it forward. Cultivate calm. Breathe. Forgive. Let Go.
Saturday, June 13, 1998
Tuesday, February 17, 1998
Lonely Emperor

Was a little emperor
Conceited and proud.
Couldn't see his bitter war.
Mistreated all around.
Had a special language there
Only he could know.
Couldn't special language share.
Loneliness did grow.
Was surprised finally
When emperor learned.
Opened eyes to then see
Empire did burn.
No one really wanted
To learn his language.
Lonely, silly man sad
Yearning to be Sage.
Dream Journal Tuesday morning:
"Was an emperor who had a language that no one was allowed to know except him. As a mark of difference. He was a lonely, pathetic figure. Seems like others really didn't want to know his language."
Lonely Emperor
by Loveson G. Flower
Tuesday, 8:05AM 2/17/98
Home in bed
Picture from "The Emperor's New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen at
Ignoring Wholeness?
Heart Songs are fading
Slowing down fast
Charting our fate sing
Growing won't last.
Focus on girlfriend
Seems to consume.
Joke is on World mend.
Screams do resume.
Are we ignoring
Wholeness pursuit?
Scary deploring
Goal lost dispute.
Is there a war now
Between my parts?
Does scare implore how
Wisdom impart?
Turned talents to love
Fantasy grow.
Burned balance full of
Ecstasy know.
Obsession winter.
Desperate hope.
Sob session sinner.
Please Spirit cope.
Ignoring Wholeness?
by Loveson G. Flower
Tuesday, 12:10 AM 2/17/98
Home at table
Slowing down fast
Charting our fate sing
Growing won't last.
Focus on girlfriend
Seems to consume.
Joke is on World mend.
Screams do resume.
Are we ignoring
Wholeness pursuit?
Scary deploring
Goal lost dispute.
Is there a war now
Between my parts?
Does scare implore how
Wisdom impart?
Turned talents to love
Fantasy grow.
Burned balance full of
Ecstasy know.
Obsession winter.
Desperate hope.
Sob session sinner.
Please Spirit cope.
Ignoring Wholeness?
by Loveson G. Flower
Tuesday, 12:10 AM 2/17/98
Home at table
Saturday, January 31, 1998
Love's Unbroken Cord
I told her I was scared,
From what now is the question.
Could it be I'm unprepared
For love's success dimension?
For if it goes wrong somehow,
The reason doesn't matter;
Familiar shame song sung bows,
Blames seasonal lost chatter.
I know that lost and lonely tune.
Know it well by heart.
The cold blast cost "if only" swoon
Coldly sell heart's part.
"See, I told you. Here we go.
Broken heart again."
Bleed, sigh, cold stew, fear takes hold.
Choke heart's start refrain.
That is normal. That I know.
That is broken record.
What's horrible and scares me so:
Love's unbroken cord.
Love's Unbroken Cord
by Loveson G. Flower
1:25 PM 1/31/98
at Coffee shop, Pruneyard, Campbell
From what now is the question.
Could it be I'm unprepared
For love's success dimension?
For if it goes wrong somehow,
The reason doesn't matter;
Familiar shame song sung bows,
Blames seasonal lost chatter.
I know that lost and lonely tune.
Know it well by heart.
The cold blast cost "if only" swoon
Coldly sell heart's part.
"See, I told you. Here we go.
Broken heart again."
Bleed, sigh, cold stew, fear takes hold.
Choke heart's start refrain.
That is normal. That I know.
That is broken record.
What's horrible and scares me so:
Love's unbroken cord.
Love's Unbroken Cord
by Loveson G. Flower
1:25 PM 1/31/98
at Coffee shop, Pruneyard, Campbell
Thursday, January 15, 1998
Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, Rain go away.
Come back then another day.
Pain, Pain please don't stay.
Please heal soon so I can play.
Wash, Wash over me.
"Oh, my gosh!" she like'd me say.
Then, Then we would send.
Send us to where we would mend.
Love, Love dreamt about.
Flying above felt no doubts.
Laugh, Laugh gentle smile.
Silly willy giraffe trial.
High, High to the sky.
Reaching so high thought we'd fly.
Where, Where did you go?
Loving care I need you so.
Lu Lu, sweet Louise,
Sweet phone friend do call me please.
Bye, Bye makes me cry.
Away you go, please tell me why.
Rain, Rain Go Away
by Loveson G. Flower
Thursday, 8:50 AM 1/15/98
Home in bed
Photo from:
Monday, January 5, 1998
Ghost Town Clown

Love me for who I am
Not for what I do.
For my glory be a fan
But care not for that fool.
For my doing, and my done,
My resume' divine
Sorely cueing not for fun
A consume' of mind.
Am I worth your love inside
Just for who I be?
Is the dearth of loveless cried
Dust for you to see?
A ghost town of dusty balls
Rolling down the street.
Empty host down lusty halls
Soiling clown complete.
Can you see my value clear?
Can you still then love?
Fan, you be friend nuclear
Family full love.
Ghost Town Clown
by Loveson G. Flower
Monday 7:35 AM 1/5/97
Home in bed
SewerClown.jpg photo from:
Sunday, January 4, 1998
I Am Don Juan
I am Don Juan, Casanova,
A Lover whole of lasses woven
In Marigold.
Their shining eyes, their kind replies
To love's caress.
A gentle touch, eyes glean so much
Before undress.
I see her longing, for Heart Songing,
Sweet music cheer.
Her breathing's light, as if in fright,
Song won't stay here.
When gentle stroke, and laughter joke,
Does bring a smile
Then twinkling eyes, glisten replies,
Sing stays awhile.
To sing her glory, and bring her story,
For her to know
How beautiful, now dutiful,
Lover sees glow.
You glow with light, make night daylight,
Light up our path
So we may see, a loving tree,
Sight in our grasp.
May I touch your face, with touching grace?
Such sculpted lines.
Your lips so fine, in chiseled line,
Love erupt finds
Your sweet love sounds, complete abound,
Music for ears
Which hear your words, elixir's cure,
To soothe our fears.
You're quiet now, and sigh somehow,
Words cannot say
The knowing of, the glowing love,
Unfurled today.
Your nostrils flare, as if beware,
The surge is strong.
Your eyes grow black, excitement's back,
No urge is wrong.
I stroke your hair, with loving care.
It feels so good.
You close your eyes, your breathing sighs.
Feel understood.
For finally, war's mind does leave,
Just feelings now.
No thinking now, just blinking's bow,
Must feel sings how.
I touch your arm, gentle disarm,
Loving caress.
Goose bumps abound, soft like goose down,
Beneath your dress.
Then hands we hold, our fingers mold,
Entwine together.
Each finger knows, the linger pose,
Of balmy weather.
Like Summer days, when palm trees sway,
In gentle breeze;
Dancing so soft, chancing aloft,
By Sun feel squeezed.
I stroke your palm, with knowing balm,
To soothe your fear.
Look in your eyes, with loving wise,
Pursue our tears.
For happy tears, do find us here,
Bringing their say.
That loving moment, eyes shining foment,
Singing today.
Your shining eyes, tearful replies,
Of gratitude
For tender care, my sending where,
Love's attitude.
Our glance is long, eyes dance our song,
Of knowing now.
It's time to move, and rhyme improve,
Love's growing bow.
The little shiver, below your liver,
In stomach's place
The fluttering, butterflies' sing,
Your heartache's race.
It's time to kiss, sighing our bliss,
To fuse our souls.
I smell your skin, perspiration,
Wafts perfumed smells
Of excitement, enlightenment,
Love's consumed bell
That's ringing loud, and singing proud,
Love's loving tale.
I am Don Juan
by Loveson G. Flower
Sunday, 10:45 AM 1/4/98
Home in bed
Above video is from the opening scene of the movie, "Don Juan DeMarco." It is a wonderful movie which captures for me the folly - and profound truth - of the inner characters and desires for pleasure, for romance, for ecstasy, for Love. "Don Juan" is an archetype, a symbol, a dream figure, a hope, and - hopefully - at least sometimes a reality.

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