Sunday, February 14, 8016

Toujours dans nos coeurs, René Lainé (1942 - 2016)

toujours dans nos coeurs - always in our hearts, René

 René se repose avec son fils très aimé, Daniel
"Le dernier hommage à René Lainé"
Var-matin, Sanary sur Mer, 13 février 2016

Nous avon perdu notre très aimé mari, père, frère, grand père, arriere grand père, oncle et cousin, beau frère, voisin, notre conseiller sage, notre plus cher ami, notre guide, notre ange de gardien, notre grand héros et tellement plus.

.... notre cher, cher René ....

René Lainé était un homme sage et très capable avec gentillesse, humour et amour abondante. René a toujours trouvé le temps dans sa vie très pleine de donner à ceux dans le besoin sans tenir compte de lui-même. À la fin, il état toujours au service d'autres.

Dans cette vie, il laisse un trou impossible à combler, mais René sera toujours dans nos coeurs, notre amour, et dans le tissu même et la façon dont nous vivons nos vies après un tel exemple extraordinaire.

 Merci René, des fonds des nos coeurs .... nous t'aimons


We have lost our very loved husband, father, brother, grand-father, great grand-father, uncle and cousin, brother-in-law, neighbor, our wise counsellor, our best friend, our guide, our guardian angel, our grand hero and much more.

.... our dear, dear René ....

René Lainé was a wise and very capable man with gentleness, humour and abundant love. René always had the time in his very full life to give to those in need without thought of himself. To the end, he was always in service to others.

In this life, he leaves a hole impossible to fill, but René will always be in our hearts, our love, and in the very tissue and the way we live our lives after such an extraordinary example.

Thank you René, from the depths of our hearts .... we love you

René, nous t'aimons - we love you
toujours dans nos coeurs - always in our hearts
René Lainé (1942-2016)

Wednesday, May 17, 4997

How to Dream Awake - May 17, 1997

Tournesol chez Les Zeribas
photo par Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower, 2007
Dedicated to all the searching children, whatever their age.

Keep the Mind to the rhyme.
Let the Heart do its part.
So beyond either mode,
The Soul shows the road.

For each of the parts,
Both Mind and Heart;
Are neither sufficient.
Alone they're deficient.

The Mind only thoughts.
The Heart drinks from droughts
Emotions galore, and feelings even more,
While thoughts divide and conquer.

So this is the question:
(Seems silly to mention),
But: "How to be all?"
Both Michael and Paul?

"Tableau de la France" par Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower,
Maggie & Jessie chez Les Zeribas, 2004
How do be sharp
And play the harp?
How to love math
And still find the path
To Love and do Art,
The domain of the Heart?

Keep the Mind to the rhyme.
Let the Heart do its part.
So beyond either mode,
The Soul shows the road.

The meaning is clear:
Neither Heart nor Mind steer,
But some synthesis
Beyond difference.

How to Dream Awake
May 17, 1997
by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower

Created while biking and finished at home in Woodside, CA.
Although over 18-years-old, this Heart Song is placed first as it explains and demonstrates the Heart Song "road" and Spiritual Practice.

"Tournesol chez Les Zeribas" photograph by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower 2007.
"Tableau de la France" photograph by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower 2004.

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate Pour voir les traductions du texte plus grandes, veuillez cliquer sur les pages blanc au-dessous du texte et pareillement sur chaque blog. To see the translations of text larger, please click the white pages below the text and similarly on every blog.

Sunday, September 28, 4014

Symbolic Portraits of Mind-Body-Heart Art - Sept. 28, 2014

Symbolic Portraits of Mind-Body-Heart Art
Wholeness, Balance, Light & Shadow, Yin & Yang 

"I will not eat the darkness" collage by Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Flower
"Je ne mangerai pas l'obscurité" collage par Loveson G. (Gabrielle) Fleur

Mind-Body-Heart Art 
'Word Cloud' Portraits by 
(Portraits de 'Nuage de Mot' par) 
Loveson G. Flower (lgflower)

 Word cloud Portraits made at with words from 
(Les Portraits de Nuages de mot fait à avec des mots de) 
Mind-Body-Heart Art

Tuesday, May 28, 4013

Sculpter chez Les Zeribas - Sculpting at Les Zeribas - May 28, 2013

Art, Amour et Amitié dans la beauté et l'intégrité de la Nature.
Art, Love and Friendship in the beauty and wholeness of Nature.

Créé pour M. et Mme Claude et Anne-Marie Lafond avec amour par Paul.
Created for Mr. and Mrs. Claude and Anne-Marie Lafond with love by Paul.

Inspiré par Madame Lafont; et pour célébrer et honneur - avec le respect profond - Monsieur Lafont, qui a tristement fini sa vie cette année.
Inspired by Madam Lafont; and to celebrate and honor - with profound respect - Mister Lafont, who sadly passed away this year.

Sculpter chez Les Zeribas - Sculpting at Les Zeribas

Photos and videos by (Photos et vidéos par) Loveson G. Flower.

Thursday, May 16, 4013

Robley Dunglison Browne - Sculptor Extraordinaire - May 16, 2013

Rob Browne - Sculptor Extraordinaire

Robb Browne, Beloved Friend
Artist, Sculptor Extraordinaire

Word Cloud from words on Rob's website,

Sculptor Rob Browne poses for photographer Mark Kitaoka. 
Image is part of Kitaoka's exhibit at Peninsula Museum of Art.
from: "29 Hands - 15 Artists"  by Mark Kitaoka

"Letting Go" by Rob Browne
Public Art to honor the suffering
and those departed from AIDS  
Rob sculpting "Letting Go" in clay at Allied Arts Guild in Menlo Park, California

Rob sculpting "Maggie" and "Charlotte"
at Allied Arts Guild, Menlo Park
"Once a Great Notion"
by Rob Browne
Bas-relief in honor
of the life and work
of Steve Jobs

"Support the Arts" -  Public Art by Rob Browne

Right - beginning, concept sculpture in clay at studio

Left - finished sculpture at public exhibition in Palo Alto, CA

Rob sculpting "Lucy" - a sensitive portrait of a blind and adorable, young girl
Photo portrait of "Bummer" by Rob Browne
"Young Phineas Banning" - 2013 sculpture by Rob Browne

Bas-relief of young brothers, "Alex and Zach," by Rob Browne

 From Rob's Site: " While I'm known for sculpting sensitive portraits (especially of children) my art covers a range of subjects, fine and commercial, in a range of styles and materials - from inspirational to whimsical, clay to bronze. Most of the work is by commission - if you can imagine it, I can sculpt it." 

See more of Rob's extraordinary work at

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate

Robb Browne, Beloved Friend
Artist, Sculptor Extraordinaire

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Love’s Mirrored Dance

D’Or Door Doriane

(‘Muse-doré extraordinaire’ plus adorable bébé, Clara, inspirée qui suivent)

Love’s Mirrored Dance

I have a dear friend, Doriane,

    Who cuts my old, grey hair.

Whose Love’s such cheerful radiance

    It pulls Love’s bold mirror.

So reflecting’s contagious then.

   We others need to share

Our Soul’s neglected singing sent

    To Be Love’s Song somewhere.

Then perhaps someday everywhere

   The Heart Songs will pour out.

When we’re pure laughs like baby’s Care

   Whose start Love’s feelings shout.

Like Clara born two days ago

  To Hélène and father, Giles.

Why Caring’s warm, new-babies’ clothes?

   Who sent friends’ Miracle?

A Miracle beyond precious 

   Somehow landed near here.

A Mirror-full Love’s Seeings blessed 

   Allows growing Love’s cheer.

A baby ‘Seen’ In every sense,

   Her feeling’s that she’s ‘Known,’

Bakes Human Being ‘Sight’ Love sends.

   She’s able to ‘See’ what’s shown.

A Lifetime in Love’s Mirrored Dance  ‘s

   Like plant in fertile soil.

Whose Light and every need’s enhanced;

   Life can withstand all toil.

And become smiling, beaming friend

   Who radiates Love Beams.

With wisdom’s child ‘Seen’ sees again

    To make fate’s Circle Dreams.

With upward Spiraling Miracles 

  Become like Doriane

Giving Love forward mirrored so

   Beginning is like End.

   ‘Seeing’ Baby’s Wisdom.

    Clear Miracles: Human’s

    Mirroring of Loved-one,

    Dear Cared-for baby’s Sum.

Love’s Mirrored Dance

by Loveson G. Flower

2300 28 September 2023

home in bed

Friday, September 15, 2023

Karma’s a bitch!

“Parent” feeding huge baby Cuckoo bird

Karma’s a bitch!

I‘ve an ex-dear friend who’s                         (I believe…)

   A Fool like the Cuckoo bird.

Which tries to send its eggs cruel              (To deceive…)

   Like refused, discarded turd.

Instead of building nest 

    To help Life’s loving’s quest

And grow with parents’ best,

    It gives them stranger’s nest!

Then parents only fly away

   From babies sent alone on way.

Their new “parents” must feed and care.

   What’re their fate? They’re unaware.

Needy new “babies” will grow real fast.

   Cruelly real chicks killed, shoved from nest

To die on ground before fair chance

    For life’s bounty, their unseen dance.

Is there a sadder image made

   Of care detoured, of love that’s “played,”

When littler parents work and slave

   Not bitter there (their, they’re) sent life that way?

To murdered offsprings’ murderers?

   Whose world was oft from nest when hurled?

Dark, clever strategy might win

   If Care’s endeavors won’t fight Sin.

Or one-day all the forest’s full

   Of one species’ nests so CooKoo.

Can still they thrive, and reproduce

   When killed by lies? Most hosts reduced?

When parasites kill their hosts cruel 

   Can there be rights of wronged ghosts who’ll

Find a way back from extinction?

   Finally attack some weak link shown?

Cuckoo birds lay their eggs
in other bird species’ nests

So Karma becomes sure Notion

   Like Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion:

See each and every action there

   Beseeched equals reaction shared.

What goes around, comes around too.

   Now “Do unto others…” is Golden Rule.

While: “Do as thou wilt” is Evil’s way.

    Defiled Cruelties will heal someway.

When Service-to-Self parasites

    Can’t find bliss from Love’s caring Light. 

And Service-to-Others’ strategies

   Then return Love’s warm synergies.

Symbiosis prove’s the best way. 

   When loving hosts aren’t toasted, “played.”

“Do unto others as for yourself.”

   Knew: “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

“Do no harm…” is Christian way.

   So Soul moves arm with Christ’s Love sway.

It’s better millstone’s tied to neck 

   In wet sea-depths than child be wrecked.

And all Conmen with clever tongues  (“Confidence” women too!)

   Who misuse smarts (hearts, parts) one day’ll be hung.

They’ll be “hoisted with their own petard.”

   Shakespeare’s Macbeth shown lesson hard:

   “Karma’s a bitch!”  …for those that harm!

    Life Lessons: Switch. Cruelties disarm.

    Discover: “Service-to-Others” charm!

    Become: Deserving. Loving. Warmth.

    Genius’ best aim: Serve Love unarmed

Karma’s a bitch!

by Loveson G. Flower

15 September 2023

Symbiosis Definition, Synonyms