Saturday, September 30, 2023

Love’s Mirrored Dance

D’Or Door Doriane

(‘Muse-doré extraordinaire’ plus adorable bébé, Clara, inspirée qui suivent)

Love’s Mirrored Dance

I have a dear friend, Doriane,

    Who cuts my old, grey hair.

Whose Love’s such cheerful radiance

    It pulls Love’s bold mirror.

So reflecting’s contagious then.

   We others need to share

Our Soul’s neglected singing sent

    To Be Love’s Song somewhere.

Then perhaps someday everywhere

   The Heart Songs will pour out.

When we’re pure laughs like baby’s Care

   Whose start Love’s feelings shout.

Like Clara born two days ago

  To Hélène and father, Giles.

Why Caring’s warm, new-babies’ clothes?

   Who sent friends’ Miracle?

A Miracle beyond precious 

   Somehow landed near here.

A Mirror-full Love’s Seeings blessed 

   Allows growing Love’s cheer.

A baby ‘Seen’ In every sense,

   Her feeling’s that she’s ‘Known,’

Bakes Human Being ‘Sight’ Love sends.

   She’s able to ‘See’ what’s shown.

A Lifetime in Love’s Mirrored Dance  ‘s

   Like plant in fertile soil.

Whose Light and every need’s enhanced;

   Life can withstand all toil.

And become smiling, beaming friend

   Who radiates Love Beams.

With wisdom’s child ‘Seen’ sees again

    To make fate’s Circle Dreams.

With upward Spiraling Miracles 

  Become like Doriane

Giving Love forward mirrored so

   Beginning is like End.

   ‘Seeing’ Baby’s Wisdom.

    Clear Miracles: Human’s

    Mirroring of Loved-one,

    Dear Cared-for baby’s Sum.

Love’s Mirrored Dance

by Loveson G. Flower

2300 28 September 2023

home in bed