Saturday, June 22, 2019

Love’s Truth

Love’s Truth

by Loveson G. Flower
18h20, 14 June 2019 

Oh what an end, vacation sent.
While we’re on our way home.
While on the train, smiling dame came:
Belle goddess all alone.

An opera singer, fan Beau Arts bringer,
So much inspiration.
Of shining Light, the kind so bright
Souls touched find elation.

Thus so inspired, the Souls thus fired,
That dreams unfold stories
Of true meaning. Love's Truth screaming
To see what Soul shows please.

A real Artist, who feels Love’s kiss. 
Then expresses her Heart.
Mirrors it then to every friend.
Then blessings’ sharing start.
When wounding’s cares do part
To blend and sing their Art,
To friends: “Please bring your Heart.”

Inspired by (and dedicated to): Madam N. Pellegrini.
1st Heart Song after many, many months.
Written on next train after one from Monterossa to Genoa, Italy.

Transdution anglais / français par Google Translate
unlisted video of vacation, 11-14 June 2019 
with friends in Cinque Terre, Italy 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Love Selfies / Selfies d'Amour (Happy New Year, dear Friends & Family / Bon Année, chers Amis et Famille)

Love Selfies 

by Loveson G. Flower
1 January 2019

I wanted to send to my friends,
  Holiday cheer photos to end
The old year with a whole statement,
  A bold beauty reenactment.

The puppies seemed to be our plan.
  Their loving beings sent to fans.
So All could see how well they've grown
  With pauli's loving lovers shown.

But these past months nothing did come
  Although fantastic photos fun
Of running, happiness at beach,
  Of sunsets, crashing surfs, and each

And every puppy showed just how
  Their growing loving selves said: "Wow!"
But as the year wound down without
  What feared: lack of Inspiration's shout.

Until the last hour of the year
  When pressure cast maximum fear
That all our Art was somehow lost
  And pauli's re-start was the cost.

I discovered automatic file
  That collected Selfies so now
One doesn't need to search through years
  To present Selfies' perfect spheres.

A Selfie is a different beast.
  When I'm included in the yeast
That bakes bread of relationship.
  Not forsake Love we might have sipped.

It's not polite, such picture close,
  Like intimate touch or close knows
That normally we can't partake
  Because politeness distance makes.

But my arm's only oh so long
  And if I'm allowed in Soul's song
Of Selfie photo's unity
  Intimacy shows closely: We.

So I took all the photos from
  The Selfie file of my French run,
The years past my dramatic change
  Past tears, and fears, life rearranged.

The Selfies seem to now express
  Where Self did go, somehow confessed
That loving pauli never left,
  That Love for pauli ever blessed.

And though the others in the frames
  Of Selfie loving some brought pain;
When our little selves couldn't stay
  When darkness fell on Loving's Way.

There were shining moments in past
  When fear of combining was cast
Aside for closer connections
  To confide more love's reflections.

As if to tell the future me
  That bliss that fell must inside See.
It's only but an arm away
  To lonely hold and charming say:

Each Spirit comes and goes again
  And each brings wonder's healing friend.
Even if with our Shadows shown
  Seems to crush until we've now grown

Into another being place
  Into what lover's feelings grace
That what we give comes always back
  And Love needs never ever lack.

So we'll send Love Selfies to friends
  To ask them please see Love again
In windows of past distant times
  And then allow just one more sign
  That we must trust that Love is kind
When we'll remember Selfie fine.

English-French Translation by (Traduction anglais-français par) Google Translate